— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The user is not required to know how to configure routers, what it is, how to administer the computer, etc. And you’re already so off-the-go that you offer grandmothers to teach routers to configure.
==== is
Do you have your brains okay, boss of heroes? When for an hour and a half you try to solve the problem of some idiot who doesn’t work, and instead of cooperation you get hysterical, I have two higher education, I don’t have to know where my router is! I don’t have to know – sausage. The provider provides a line, and what happens in the apartment, where the cable has already been held, and what it is connected to, the sapport does not concern.

=== is right Working with people is hard, but it’s part of your responsibility.
You can't deal with any customers - give up and sauce whatever you want.
"If they don’t understand you, maybe you’re foolishly explaining".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna