— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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One young man, a 5th grade student, came to the dean and demanded a piece of paper to write a statement of deduction. Decanate in shock - almost not the best student at the faculty...
Young man, why are you so soon? Why to withdraw? Do you have material problems? We will find you at the department!
“No, it’s not that... you know, I’m the only guy in the group.
So say it! If you have any personal disconnections, let’s say, we’ll transfer you to another group, why right away?! to
- No, you didn't understand... when my fellow men fixed my socks and trousers and boasted before each other with new underwear - it was still tolerable... when they discussed with me their young people and critical days - it also went anywhere... but when I slept yesterday, and I dreamed that I was walking around the city and I had a gunshot on my socks...

I am for what?
Fucked up with the size of their titles and scissors!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna