— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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How is Nathan?
No, she left me. I never understood women :-(
HHH: What did you say?
I lie down and sleep at night (at about half-4) and I don’t touch anyone. Then she wakes me up with the words"You are sleeping?!" the following is approximately the dialogue:
How can you sleep yours!? to
I: and what?
She says, “I don’t sleep!”! to
I: O_O
She: You are a very senseless puppy of someone!
I: O_o
She: I can’t sleep, and he’s sleeping peacefully!! to
I: O_O
She is: All! Go you go!! to
At four o’clock in the evening, she got her things together.
No more... you were not hurt because of your broken nail.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna