— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I have been injured since childhood. They brought clowns to school. Let us be tormented. They had a scene about a Dawn orchestra. I am pulled onto the stage by one of these painted spiders and says:"Direct me!" Because the music has not been turned on yet, my very logical question was:"And how many quarters?"The clown just took my hand and let me swing for 2 quarters. I am:"A! of two? Well, okay..." she’s already mourning from this action. Then the monsoon began. It is four quarters. I say:"But it is four! And the clown, the genius of the fools, just takes my second hand and directs with both hands for 2 quarters!!! So many years have passed, I was in 2nd grade then, and the injury still exists.
I still dream about it, once a year.
Luckily I would find this fool....and a thick textbook of solfegio to remove him.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna