— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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to this:
to this:
This wonderful thing is called tampons. But on the packaging it is written that they were developed by a female gynecologist. Do you hear, a woman gynecologist, have you tried your invention to use, having long nails? It’s not just uncomfortable – it’s, fucking, dangerous!

And you would be comfortable if you would be examined by a woman gynecologist with long nails?

In Medunivere, the correct manicure was vaccinated at the subconscious level, because in the department of propedovetics (therapy, so that it would be easier to understand) the nails were forced to be cut (in every school in the table the scissors were lying for such a case, and far from manicure))), there are long nails - there is no permission, because how else to do a percussion or palpation; and in the department of surgery, even the lacquer was forced to be washed voluntarily (do not want-do not wash, but to the classes will not be allowed), only instead of the scissors used 0.5 bottles with acetone or solvent 646. There are no long nails at the doctor. Commercial medicine is easy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna