— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I’ll add my five copies to the boomerang.
Any bulldozer essentially lives this way because he is prevented from returning to the gathering. No one holds anyone in the city, he wanted - go to the village, there are full of abandoned houses, hands will not be superfluous, and drink something to eat. But yes, we have to work. No money for a ticket? The Rabbit. Do not accept? There is a lot of village. Do you know niche? Learn to Hole. But again, sleeping on other people's entrances and basements is easier and you don't have to break from a busy place. Of course, under old age is more difficult - but my great-grandmother lived and worked until the end of 91 years. So do not hide.
Don't be afraid to dislike them - they are really just lazy and pose a danger (like any alcoholic, but this is a slightly different problem). I really simplified everything, but piss. My cat is more important to me, and I am alone.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna