— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Moscow and Peter are like a gas pump in a car. Only instead of gasoline they suck money, passing through the filter, where all kinds of sheep, called power, settled. And, judging by the work of the unit, called the country, it is time to change the filter, possibly in assembly with the pump.
Oh yeah yes! Let’s move, please, the capital somewhere to Petroyugansk or Yakutsk (there is oil, diamonds!In the Polar Circle, and a few years later, Msk. and C-Pb Finally, they will be cleared from all these visitors: the vicious, aggressive bloodwashers who come here for a long ruble, hating the city and its inhabitants, but wishing to become the "maaskovy", from which they will not push either in the subway or on the roads; from the garbage, dirty streets, the glut of foreign speech over the city, etc. And again the two capitals will become Moscow and St. Petersburg - the oldest, most beautiful Russian cities with a rich history, culture, and unpoisoned inhabitants.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna