— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My son was removed in September. From First Class! For the behavior!
I studied for only four days, I was called and told that they did not intend to tolerate this, he calls the teacher a fox and breaks the lessons.
The husband went to talk to the teacher. I met this cow with Yaga near school!He talked, and then promised me to explain to the child the difference between a fox and a bitch.
I barely answered, we agreed to buy a baby ice cream and go to a private school. I’m studying there now and it’s fine.

First of all, don’t lie. Students of 1st grade cannot be removed from school. There is no such law. Secondly. If it is with permission to say "the child" allows himself in the first class to call the teacher a fox, then this fox is really not a place among normal children, go to the private, there for your grandmothers will kiss him in the ass, but they will not teach anything, but this is already the tenth thing (worked in a private school, I know what I am talking about). And thirdly, what the teacher does after classes, drinks Yaga, dances hip-hop in a club, sleeps with the director - you, by the way, are not concerned. If I were in her place, I would have talked to such children and their parents as well.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna