— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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and smart:

I can ask for a passport at least from a 60-year-old grandmother, and I can’t sell her cigarettes and alcohol if she doesn’t show me that passport. This is the law."

Because of these idiots, I ignore some small shops. The law on which you rely says that only in case of doubt in the age of the buyer the seller has the right to ask for a document certifying the identity. But when such chickens have a line of 15 people, and she asks for a passport first of a healthy ambal with a beard, then of a local Petrovich, and then of a woman, who in appearance resembles a middle-class student with a work experience of 20 years, rather than a 17-year-old girl. Then you just want to go out of the store and get to the nearest "adequate".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna