— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The cry:
It is....
People!! The people!!! to
You know this proverb - "Do not spit in the well - it will be useful to drink the water itself." Surely you know! Why do you so carefully produce shit in your life?

Not one ring burned at the opening of the Olympics. The whole internet is filled with these messages. Is that all you could see at the two-hour opening? A brilliant light show, a ballet production, 40 thousand light medallions, a collection in telogreeks and more! And all that your intelligence had enough was the mistake of synchronizing the illumination of the Olympic rings? Are you really so poor?

Don’t go into the country you live in!!! You will die in your feces like yeast in alcohol!
This is the same thing....
The show is great, the producers are fine, but it's all - showcases, spacecrafts, a feast during the plague - people see it, understand it, so any little stuff blows up to the same cosmic size.
No show can abolish the stupid and dangerous laws stamped by the Duma over the past couple of years.
No show can cancel the introduction of social norms of consumption, the fall of the ruble and the rise of prices.
No show can cancel the stagnation of industry and the cessation of economic growth.
And if someone does not understand this by his youth or stupidity, continue to rejoice.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna