— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Think about and "think" Here was the official, tomorrow he hired a tutor for his child, went shopping in the taste book, went to the doctor in a paid clinic, his wife made a manicure, tomorrow for the earned money the tutor will go to Ashan, the doctor will hire a master to put a tile, the manicure will call the sanitary, and the accountant from the taste book will buy furniture home, etc. The circulation of money in nature. And if they are not placed under the mattress and not removed, then they are spent - including on the services of firms that give us work and salary with you.
Here and think: a government official swept, sent a child to study for a bulgor, took his wife for a manicure to Paris and went for a suit to Milan. Something I doubt that a French woman calls the sanitary from our JEC.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna