— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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All of this:
by this:
This is:
On one apple grows three pears, and on the other - four. How many pears grow on apple trees." And the correct answer they had was "Pears do not grow on apple trees." You are not asked where it grows, you are asked, How many! Answer the question clearly!!! to
- "Nothing or 0" is your answer not clear enough?
And the answer 7. On a properly planted apple tree is not what pears, even strawberries can grow, this will be confirmed by any experienced gardener.
As a gardener, I say, on the peach, the straw does not grow. And the apricot is fine. To bone marrow inject bone marrow, and to seeds - seed marrow. Michurin used to a tree behind a crust, his oatmeal and a...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna