— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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My 5 kopecks in a joke about bicycles, upbringing and thanks to parents.

Prehistory: were filled, dressed, dressed, with bicycles and many other strings
The story is like this - since the very early childhood, every day I hear a very direct and concrete text from my mother that I am a stupid nonsense shit. It’s just that, it’s shit, nothing worth it and nothing unable to do in life. From birth and throughout life. Except for one thing: if I will listen in everything to a wise mommy with a rich life experience, then she will be able to guide me on the path of the truth.I was not allowed to do anything, criticised every breath in the wrong direction and the unapproved desire from above was ruthlessly crushed, just for the fact that I am shit. It was established a priori, and my self-esteem was stifled in the embryo.

I was lucky, it didn’t break me, I met good friends, wonderful teachers, and a loved one who helped overcome my complexes, returned me confidence in myself, and in the fact that I am a smart, talented, beautiful young girl who can everything she wants.
And now I have grown up, I have become conscious enough of myself, and I no longer allow my mother to ruin my life and play off my complexes.

R. S. All the parental love and misery went to my older brother, and I got only complaints, and now they try to bring all the responsibilities for caring for aging parents on me.

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