— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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If anyone remembers, then in the "aeroflot" in the 80s, such a concept as "landing" was practiced, you have a ticket, but for a month's flight in two or three, because there are no tickets in the near future at all, especially in the season.
And here, when the main registration for the flight has already been completed, the cappuccino-deputate armor is removed, and the registration stand had to work elbows to register for the nearest flight. 5-7, sometimes more, piples on board still entered. One little thing, in the luggage nothing to hand over, and all the pieces had to carry with you to the salon.
Of course, it wasn’t always possible to get on the nearest flight.
Here we, once stuck in Ulan Ude, and for three days without breath, like at work, wheeled twice a day to the airport (two flights) for the "landing"...
In the rest of the time, we wandered around the city and surroundings. And nothing to do went to the Ulan-Udinsk, where my friend looked at the sailing, and he already had a small yacht, a landing parachute, and bought it.
And here is Urianna!! and good luck!! We ‘passed’ on board the plane.
Yes, another thing, the cappuccino-deputate armor meant the then business class with the corresponding neighbors, and in the 154th, these were seats at the table right behind the cockpit.
And here we, such all the insinuated spit on these "deputate" places and try to dissolve our pieces on all available holes, and everything is already occupied, we are the last on board. And it would be nothing, but the backpack with a parachute, well, did not wet anywhere. And the seats are "deputate", and in front of the table sits some, well, a very important local chinush with a serious look.
The plane is going to take off, and we are all messing up, splashing up...
But the backpack with the parachute had to be left on the knees, just no place to move.
And then this "important deer" (do not offend deer farmers) suddenly came down to us, and asked, say, what is there with us, cardinal, that we do not let it out of our hands?
On what Borka, my friend, took and licked, parachuted, and immediately with a serious look, but in a joke asked: - and you what, did not give?!!! to
Further, the picture with oil, the plane takes off, and the conditions in Ulan-Uda are such that they take off there steeply, with a large corner of tangage (soops around). Everyone is stuck, even the flies in the room. My boyfriend and I are sitting unrestful such, we have not yet entered that the comedy begins. And in the "important elephant" begins hysteria, turning into panic - knocking on the button of the boardman's call.
And the conductor does not fit, the plane is taking off tightly.
And the temperature of panic hysteria is rising rapidly.
And to our questions, what happened to him, he does not answer in an important way.
Five minutes later, the most beautiful stewardess, who approached our table, first fell into a complete stupor, from the commanding requirement of the "important deermaker" to immediately also give him a parachute. Pressed by the rust, it was difficult to explain what was happening. Then the entire crew crashed. Then the entire plane crashed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna