— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Hanging between 1 and 2 socks.
Our child studied in 3th grade. At the gathering, I and several other parents were reprimanded for the constant delays of the children. Surprised they remained silent. This repeated the next time, on the way home we were already surprised together. Our children were friends, but they did not go to school in a group, all brought by parents. Of course, we didn’t bring them to the school door half an hour before the start, but we didn’t call. 10-15 minutes was left for the student to calmly dress up and come to class. A family survey of the children did not clarify the situation.
Our complete confusion lasted until I accidentally forgot to give the child a suitcase with a drawing at school. Having found him in my house, I rushed back and, going inside, caught the whole warm company in the midst of the crime. There was 1 ringing (before 1 lesson there were 3), and our hatchbacks, each of whom shaken out of the package, removed 1 booth from his leg and pulled off the jacket, placed all the composition on a long bench and led, absolutely not rushing anywhere, relentless secular conversations. Periodically, high school attendants approached them and offered their help to poor unskilled children, but the young fools and fools culturally refused and did not even intend to continue. Seeing me and feeling the approaching explosion, the company polently greeted, instantly completed the process and evaporated into the classroom. Of course, I had to share my discovery with other parents. The mysterious delay is over.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna