— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Moreover, being a divorced mother or even a single mother is more honourable than being a “old virgin.”
This is the same thing....
I agree with you, is it just nonsense?
What does it mean to be "honorable"? What is the complex of inferiority, what is life for others to praise or at least not to blaspheme? Points are more meaningful?
Everyone has their own situation in life, and everyone builds (well - must build) their own life under their specific conditions.

For example, if I have a job near the house, or removed from the house on a compact basis, or I can't drive because of health features - I will not spend 20 kilobacks on a piece of unnecessary iron just because the car owner is "honourable", and on the tram to ride - "west".

If a woman knows that she has, for example, a bad harmful character, or no appearance at all, or she can not tolerate children, or does not tolerate the presence of strangers, or there is not a person around whom she would want to radically change herself, if she is absolutely not burdened by loneliness, and even delighted - why should she break herself for the approval of the grandmothers on the bench? Just get married, give birth and get divorced, so it’s honourable? Destroying the lives of at least two people?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna