— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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Mr Obama. At first, you printed $5 billion and gave them to Maidan, so that for three months, the Maidan climbed the barrels and stumbled on the police. Mr. Obama, you lived the way you lived! Imagine if you were beaten in your head for three months? Would you be pleased? Three months in the head of all of Ukraine. But we here in Odessa feel that you are still beaten in the head, but only your advisors. For 23 years, our Ukraine was robbed and destroyed. Mr. Obama, if you were put into Ukrainian retirement, you would remember your ancestors, those who were not yet African Americans, but were just blacks. So, Mr. Obama, the Ukrainian population is the same Negro, but only white, and it also wants to live well. For 23 years we were sold into slavery. Mr. Obama, why could the Negro rebelled against slavery and we could not? Are we worse than the Negroes? So read the story of how Abraham Lincoln liberated blacks! We wish you to live as long as the oak lives near Duke, but when you meet Lincoln, we hope that he will shake you away.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna