— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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The English channel shows: the parliament discusses, as usual, from the morning the Ukrainian issue (working). It turns out, yesterday, Ban Ki-moon in the UN made an interesting statement, and for some reason in the Ukrainian media are stubbornly silent about it!

The fact is that the UN Security Council once again considered the issue of Ukraine, and experts came to the following conclusion within the framework of international law: it turns out that since the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine has not conducted and not registered properly in the UN the demarcation of its borders as a state... They remain along the borders an administrative district of the USSR according to the usual treaty within the CIS, which in the UN does not have legal force.

Since the country does not have its official border within the framework of international law, there is no reason to talk about its violation by anyone. There is also no reason to speak of separatism. Changing the configuration of the border. You cannot change what does not exist.

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