— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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You see, like many educators of the USSR, you do not understand that life is not only illumination, but also a lot of other things, one of the most valuable resources in it - time, and one of the most important skills - to correctly prioritize.
You can give a lot of arguments on the topic of "in the tomb we have seen such self-discipline", but I’d rather write about something else. I, like many of my colleagues, have been working from the third class. We work as programmers, we attract foreign capital to the post-Soviet space, we pay more taxes (I would know where they go, because it is possible to provide a human standard of living for my mother and grandmother only at the expense of my income). Botanics that went to all the couples, among us, for some reason, a tiny number. People raised by the union are also few.
Of course, the overall erudition is important. But there are a lot of things that I think are a bit more important. For example, the ability not to despise people with other values. And to call diletants people who do their job well, but at the same time missed pairs of not very competent teachers - in my picture of the world is just a low level of culture, from which, apparently, the notorious general erudition does not save.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna