— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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This genius is:
>>> >>> The question is about tobacco smoke. This is a harmless and quite acceptable smell thing. Those whom he irritates are no different from those whom the air conditioner blows. Or even worse.

>>> Are you a fool or not aware of passive smoking? Tell this to asthmatics when tobacco smoke will provoke an attack in them.

And there are also many people with allergies to the flowering of all kinds of plants - let's for this reason in the cities all the greens are forbidden. Or suddenly from their flowering someone will have Quincke swelling or anaphylactic shock! We will take care of these people too.
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That is, do you not know, for example, about the campaigns to destroy ambrosia and replace topols with other trees? They are large. And so it's funny, yes, allergies are suffocating, the buggy is straight. So that your children don’t have asthma, just pray.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna