— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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In the tattoo salon I see the following picture. A couple comes in, he and she, and she asks the master if he does the inscriptions. The Master confirms what he does and gives a folder with samples of fonts. The pair focuses, minutes after 10 is defined, and it ticks into a typical Gothic font - "this".
Master: Okay, who do we do, where, how and what exactly?
She: To me, on the scroll, this is the letter.
Master : How? * lists ways of writing *
She chooses. The moment x:
What a text, write it.
This is what is in your book.
Master (and not by the eyebrow): This is an alphabet.
I think he was red. The maid just stumbled upon the master.
Really, why not? The alphabet is also letters.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna