— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

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I change curtains for curtains and think: what idiot used wooden hats instead of normal dumbels to fix supports. In two weeks I tried a bunch of different dumbels from plastic to metal; the diameter of the hole increased from 4 to 12 mm, the depth - to 100 mm but the gardin persistently did not want to hang exactly; today I bought a new pack of powerful dumbels with nuclear screws, spent another two hours... Now I took a knife, pulled out a wooden rod two blades, killed with a hammer - and it just hangs, infection.

Bro, put dumbels on liquid nails. Smash the dough and hit it in the wall. Or put it in the hole and put it in the hole. I have been using everything for five years. And so it was, and the cable channel fell from the ceiling to the head. and luck. by Admin Kotshredder)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna