— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №24442
I read a story to my nephew. I found an old book that my grandmother once read to me. I noticed inaccuracies. It is written that Ivan Tsarevich sat on a horse and jumped, and from the bottom of the picture, as long as he did not look, it is not visible that the horse has a pitch, so it is not a horse, but a horse. Therefore, it would be more correct to write that Ivan Tsarevich sat on a horse and jumped.
Nagual: The first thing that always surprised me about you is your selectivity to the little things. If you were the author, editor and artist of this book, I would not be surprised if you not only painted a pipis horse, but also in the text would emphasize this attention, writing something like "Ivan Tsarevich sat on a horse with a pipis and jumped."))
Say, “Do you think I am a dwarf?”
Nagual: The second feature I like about you is guessing.

[ + 101 - ] Comment quote №24441
to this:
In the 2nd round of the super tournament of the 19th category London Chess Classic, Russian Vladimir Kramnik defeated Chinese Ni Hua.

It is logical that the Chinese Ni Hua did not win.
During the training match France-China was played Ni Hua-Seba party.

There was a master in Moscow. When playing with the masters Deev or Donchenko, in the headlines of the parties was written: Prescription-Deev, Prescription-Donchenko.

Young grandmaster from Bryansk Jan Nepomniacy took part in the team championship of Russia in Sochi. There was no Hua. Participants were looking forward to a personal meeting of Ni Hua with the Unremembered, and no matter who in what color.

Abyss, chess grandmasters are reading you.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №24440
Dear Father Christmas!
Thank you very much for listening to my desire for the New Year - to find new interesting friends and even (!!!!!) I completed it in 2 hours!
But the question:

Why are my new friends alcoholics again?

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24439
to this:

In response to this:

Does anyone know why cats love to rub their cheeks around the corner?

Try it yourself, you know how it is!
Fuck the fuck!!You could see my mother’s eyes!!! to

[ + 89 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24438
I have not slept for three days, I come home, tortured like that, I think to sleep! No matter what they call, I put in the ASK status:
"Who will call me, I will fuck you!!and "
In three minutes my girlfriend calls...

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №24437
Stardust : Hi
Stardust^^: You're Alone in the Asske Online, So Listen
I bought such a beautiful dress!! to
Stardust : Black
Stardust : short
Stardust^^: your class
Stardust^^: all
Stardust : thank you
Gesh is Hi.

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №24436
Neko: Japanese, by the way, has such a theme as "indirect kiss"
Neko: If the person you like, say, drank milk from a tube, then you, having drank from there, you can think that you kissed him :)
Manfred: Oh, and if he grabbed his hand, did he betray somebody?

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №24435
What are you busy with?
DanT'st: Hi, I am reading a book by Terry Pratchett.
The Star: What? Are you there too? How bad all these Porry Gatters, Tany Grotter and Terry Pratchetta!! to

[ + 137 - ] Comment quote №24434
Let’s think about Santa Claus:
1) beard - a clear sign of adminism
A red nose is a clear sign of alcoholism, so common in the IT environment.
3) the devil knows where he lives, until the children (a clear association with the uservers of the lower level is seen) do not get into a circle and do not start calling him to solve their urgent problems.
4) performs some magical ritual of dancing around the tree, which can be a prototype of dancing with a drum.

Father Christmas – the admiral of our world

I wrote out of boredom and drunk.

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №24433
I am becoming more and more convinced that the most important game for boys in childhood is a game in which you need to find 10 differences in the pictures. It is thanks to the skills acquired from this game, in the next, you can only in a few seconds to find the same pair of socks among the rest of the scattered dozens of pairs.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №24432
In the frost, hijackers come with their batteries

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №24431
X: Did you read my creation?
xxx and how?
Yyy: the sad Norwegian government
XXX in the meaning?! to
Tagged with

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №24430
YYY all... I’m going to beat the dishes.
XXX I give you the plastic gift. Multiple scandal

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №24429
I told you to take the Gandons, and you got the cocoa.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №24428
Tired after the holidays in the morning carefully try what liquid in the glass :(

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №24427
I have been watching porn sites lately. Descriptions of films are burning...Here I found:

In the village of Zbanovka arrived a demon, more accurately drawn the shit. It is purely men and purely terrible - fulfills the wishes of the Golden Fish, good luck to the horses. And the desires of the villains, I will tell you, do not differ in a big view, there is no way to guess a lot or there is a Hammer H2 Hannibal car, they do not eat everything just to the shit, the pigs want a pilot and must have a lot, and to have a hair in the 19th century, fuowu. Shabold naturally ticks into all the holes, and the demon sits next to it, the type of desire believes, well, and rubber sells, which is nothing, but profit. By the way, in that summer in Zbanovka, hemp was born clay, and even in the grandmother of Dusi, the mac fell asleep, so that the demons circled there in clusters, well, how, they had nourishment there, on the shore.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №24426
Horrible drunkenness at friends at the house... We stand on the balcony with a crowd (man 10) smoking. And I before this cabbage with peanuts turned, you know, as in pregnant women – wanted )) Suddenly, I feel, presses... Give, I think, under the noise, the pressure in the compartments will compensate. The street is almost, all dusted, smoked - nobody will notice. Slowly I relax, preparing to squeeze the whisper slowly... And here the culprit of the celebration – the owner of the house, smokes with us on the balcony, turning hands to the sky and drawing our attention to what is happening somewhere, screams: “Silence! and quiet!Of course, I want everyone to be quiet. I was not prepared for such a turn of events... And how suddenly they all really silenced at once! The next moment the air shaken a long dense such with "basque" delicious pear! )) I was not stopped! Everyone quietly moved from the balcony inside, only my friend, who stood next to me, was beating in the convulsions of wild rust.

I thought this was the end of the story.)

But when I, depressed, asked him, he said, why to rub something like this, I look people in the eyes like now? In response, he struggled to contain his hysteria and said, “Is this she?”I"ve died immediately from this. Imagine a girl, the most honest of the rules, who in the eyes of everyone, prior to relieving the public from excessive noise, so fatherly wasted. All in all, I and Koresh couldn’t get together for another 15 minutes.)))

P.S Now we all normally communicate and like to periodically recall this case.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №24425
I asked a question in Google. Didn’t the p’s come? What Google has answered. P.S. Come and meet you with a smile!! to

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №24424
She: I can swear that as soon as I get away from you, you will find a friend.
Don’t swear, I still believe you.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №24423
to this:
zloy-zloy: Alisha and I broke up at the ixbox today, then ate in the macca, then bought him a new phone and ran on his ass for two hours from the hills in the boring garden.
Zloy-zloy: Alisha has a birthday tomorrow
Zloy Zloy: He is my grandfather. He will be 81 years old.
A great grandfather would all be like that 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna