— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №122657
Why are you so surprised at the 19252 debt?
For a long time, there are few exceptions to Craiova:
When a aunt is averagely invested in beauty-skill and her makeup is shaky, the clothes are shaky and the heels are high - it's ойfu, without makeup and basses for you, diffchenki, better.
When the aunt beat-guru and kills a bunch of time, money and energy on the type of invisible makeup of 100 layers, when the makeup itself is not visible, but the illusion of beauty is amazingly real, when clothes and tapes are more expensive in order, and this is all the rest... Then - wow, natural beauty, what a smart you are, that you don't shudder with cosmetics!
When the aunt doesn’t know the beauty practice at all, investing in something entirely different, then – God, what a crocodile? Are you a grandmother? Well, learn at least from aunt number one, once not born a beauty like number two.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №122656
If you think. A planet on which: no water, no vegetation, no life, inhabited by robots is Mars.

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122655
Or that guy from Chuvashia, a sports walk.

Why is he walking so fast? After all, everyone knows that the fastest of all the British walk, passing through the emigrant areas of London. Are there emigrant areas in Chivas? No is. It is doping.
and c)

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №122654

The bride said that she doesn’t need the pulled-up and she sneaks with him to go to bed after other babes.

It’s not even the matter of crawling after others. It is just unpleasant to realize that a guy does not marry you as a person, but only on your shit, and everything else does not interest him much.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №122653
It turned out, the bride asked him in a joke why he did not marry earlier and chose her, not a mate, for example.
He replied, "I have tried many women, and I wanted to marry a virgin, so that there would be no one before him." Here I found one.
The bride said that she doesn’t need the pulled-up and she sneaks with him to go to bed after other babes.


If everybody tries and tries, where will the virgins come from?
Why can he be flattered by a non-virgin, and she cannot be flattered by a non-virgin?
Keep up with these rules.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122652
Cortana, how do I enable Siri on Android?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №122651
So what are you? You would, at least, first ask Google, “Hey, Google!” Can I throw a shredded grenade at a man standing two steps from me? And he would immediately answer you, “Of course you can, the earth is puffy to you!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №122650
Humorists are people with whom jokes are bad.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №122649
A 29-year-old German man was killed in an attempt to rob a condom machine.
29 years later, condoms have done their job.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №122648
A Chinese man who tried to get to the Kremlin, saying he lives there, turned out to be a guest from the future.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №122647
Figase, the eighth on the note stood, stood, stood. As usual, a bunch of stupid questions with switches and, herax, grit and let’s better put a dozen. permitted

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122646
Girlfriend about the cat that eats a lot:"I would like a cock to eat and sleep on me. More so that I do not love anyone. Only me alone. He ate with me at night. All together to. And on the weights would go when I weigh, saying, it's not me, it's he fat..."

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №122645
I dreamed of a miracle dream. So colorful, so unusual, so interesting! I woke up in the middle of the night, turned on the dictionary on the phone, clearly and in the case described it in every detail. He slept again. I remembered the recording only two days later, listened - two minutes of such nonsense! With a sleepy voice, hanging and almost falling asleep. So how is it? and :(

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №122644
We go somehow with a taxi driver through the city center past the administration, there is still the FSB administration and generally everything important. We can see, in a booth such as on the escalators in the subway misses a thick, but young man. Well, without speaking, we fly out the phrase: look, punished the guy.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №122643
Video discussion "to break up in front of husband"

When babies fall asleep at 2 p.m., it does not matter how the female dresses))))

Why do your kids go to bed so late?

Because they are 30.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №122642
Old age is when a vessel in the eye breaks during sex.
Zert: Because you look into the lock well.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №122641
from youthub, the author of the video in his apartment makes handles for knives)

Are you doing this on the balcony? And the neighbors? You will not envy them.
Why are you not jealous? They drink and enjoy life.
Q: Do you think they are happy? Preferably the last one.)
WOW: I think they are happy. In front of me, it happens, my grandmother is fucking, she will stand so that soon I will become impotent from these stones, as I imagine this scene. And what I am sitting on the lodge is hardly heard.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №122640
From the discussion of three girls of their cats:
Q: Do you have a cat in your shoes?
No, she just pulls a gun on them. Why put her in what she is licking?
Okay, she’s licking the ass.
Zzzz: She’s not in the ass!

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122639
X: In addition to causing pain, how can you shut a person’s mouth?
Tagged: indifference, banana

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №122638
At the end of 2015, the All-Russian Association of Criminals adopted a new member. His name is not posted. Only hinted that in the composition of the nickname there is a sign "percent".

And they took it for the brilliantly conducted operation on the alleged creation of a new fast food network.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna