— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108505
In short, the outcome. I come home from the day count, slept 2 hours - I make tea from a bag. I approached for a minute, looking at the water in the cup, even the color has not changed. Well, I went away for a moment, then again look - again the color has not changed, touched with my hand - hot. A spoon began to mix in order to somehow speed up this process - nephiga does not help. I’m already pulling the thread, I think maybe the bag is empty... and this shit was paper on the other side, and the bag of tea itself was weapons behind the ring instead of that paper. Thus e. I tried to make tea from paper, even mixing became this type of - well, let's get in the pace already...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №108504
Tagged: favourite
Oh, sorry not to you.

I mean, am I a fucking fuck?
Shit not to you.

You and Dawn are finished.
Natasha, don’t you look in which window you’re writing?
Go on, impotent unfortunate. Talk about yourself first, then talk about others.
Oh sorry, I’m not going anymore. My boyfriend got me.
YY: It is happening.

Okay, sorry, I missed your sweetheart.
YYY: I will give you a good luck! You are a fool watch first what you write, and most importantly who in which window! And in the third, you are fired, in the working hours you have to work, not in the ass to rewrite!! to

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №108503
My father asked for a note while I was going to work — like sitting on the net. On the first evening I come and find a porn banner that deliberately blocks the system. He did not understand and went to the workshop. And before what was offensive when the phrase "that it is not me" I was answered "everyone says so". This is a hickey behind the back. The fuck!

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №108502
Leonid Leonov: Your life is an exam. After death, there will be automatic sorting in different directions. It is more than heaven and hell. I was there. We were sent to earth to save the light. Maybe people will make the end of the world soon. There is such a possibility. When human bodies are burned up in the apocalypse, we will go into battle to try to save the light and then re-occupy the world with people. I am standing in the tenth row, one hundred and eighty on the flank. There is a monster in front of me. He is 15 percent stronger than me. His power grows on human sins, like on yeast. I can’t get along with him. Do not make people evil. It just won’t go out of your hand.
GarryStar: You just misrepresented your character, if you put all the glasses in force at the 80th level, then the monster with one eye will lie down with a pair of ticks!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №108501
Pegasus: And the map people, when they think in their head - maps?

Fuck, I started because of you.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №108500
Working from home is easy! Two children’s playgrounds in 50 meters one from the other.

“Mama, we’ll go there, right?
No son. WF does not get there.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №108499
xxx: Hi...this is a wicked question.
yyy: Your multi-point adds so much drama, I always look forward to a straight epic question
YYY: be careful
XXX: I am looking for a microwave oven. Didn’t he get up to the fifth floor?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108498
The wife, smiling, shows the one-year-old daughter pictures with animals and says:
The dog has-ha
Pony – Igo
Pineapple - (wrapped with the head) brwlgrvl
The Turtle (it stopped smiling)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108497
Maximal: Crimea has just become a lactose paper.
Maximum in Wikipedia.
There was no chemistry in school.
It would be better with chemistry.

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №108496
In my almost forgotten time as a student, I was sitting on a lecture on a subject related to literature. We had such a classic St. Petersburg professor, fascinatingly telling, whom a couple of alternative talented people wanted to provoke to pick-up.

What do you think of Lukyanenko? One of them asked, expecting that the professor would go into the shit, and they would prove to him how wrong he was.

Lukyanenko is the master of his business. - suddenly with respect said the professor (here all surprisingly silenced), - few people know how to so skillfully instruct a failed person that he is not a failure, but on the contrary - the chosen, that he has been given "some knowledge" and, in a sense, he even "parit over the grey majority". This explains the popularity of these books. But it is better for you to clarify the details with teachers in business disciplines or psychology, because here we are still discussing literature, that is, an area that does not include Lukyanenko.

And I continued to talk about the cook)))))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №108495
The country of fools and the planet of idiots.
We sent two packages simultaneously – to Japan and Italy. In Japan, the 18th was already received, the Italian 15th arrived in Italy and got up (today the 22nd).
I talk about it with an Italian recipient. Her reaction :

............................... we're Italy
– – –

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №108494
Should I indicate that I hired a third, or is it so obvious?)

That is all I have to do. Grow up people. Good books and pleasure will bring and open all doors to you.

Obviously another: You hired a person who was closer to you in terms of worldview, education and views.
But that doesn’t mean it’s the only right option.
I am a classical musician and like no one know the price of the phrase " about the tastes do not argue".
Because I’m almost indifferent to classics, but I love jazz and funk.
At one point, she said to herself, I will never judge anyone for his musical preferences, and the same applies to literary preferences.
One thing is undoubted: the classic is worth reading and listening at least to understand that it is not yours.
And most of the time it is "I did not read (hearing), but I condemn".
Good luck to all cats.)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №108493
Apple, my mother, please don’t stop at half-measures, don’t ban the sale of Apple phones only in Crimea. In Russia, too, do not sell, too (we are to blame, in other words, the sanctions from the Apples on us). You can’t imagine the percentage of decreased pantry, glamour, selfies and other garbage on the net.

I was thinking about how to get back the precinct.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108492
I realized it was time to get married.

The commander asks:
Q: Are you married with us?
I : No.
N: (good) Then you work this Sunday

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №108491
Daddy, the smoke order has it, but I don’t have it.
“Well, son, I’ll ask my uncle, he’ll give you a birthday present!”
I am a new railway.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108490
Palich: It was a long time ago. I have a friend. I gave him a Vietcong toy. There is a level where you have to crawl through dark tunnels and beat out the insidious Vietnamese. About the fact that the lamp is turned on by the L button, a friend did not know. Picture with oil! In the deep night his wife sees such horror. Her husband sits behind the compound in the headphones, watches in the square of Malevich and nervously rolls on the chair, swinging with the mouse. Her first thought was: "It’s done! It is time to talk". She approached him, placed her hand on her shoulder... screams were on the whole entrance! My friend postponed the brick inexorably. The most interesting thing is that he this level then so without the lamp and passed. and stubborn.

Fuck, I also learned about the lighthouse only later: ((( Now I think, well, I was:)))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №108489
to the observer:
watched an hour ago, painting with oil:
by Hmao. -32. a raspberries, apparently, in memory of a jacket, with mud numbers. The driver’s door window is completely removed. In the door is seen a hand in a nork coat and with a huge ring. He walked around in a traffic jams without closing the windows.
Campbell in the 90s.
Wow, I saw a cabriolet (open) in the dead traffic in the MKAD in July, who bravely stood under the exhaust pipe of the fur and the heat was unsightly. A man and his girlfriend were driving. Parents with a crusade.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108488
Conversation at work:

XX: And you know that in China the same theme began as in Ukraine "Maidan". And the most interesting thing is that it all started the same way – people came out on the square and shouted the same thing as in Ukraine.

WOW: What is it? "Moscow in the sea"?

and pause. The wild rooster.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №108487
A man arrives at our office with whom he had to rest somewhere nearby at sea in the Crimea.
Oh oh oh oh! Hi to! I did not recognize you immediately! The habit is that you are always dressed.
Hmm... I explained later to the present already what he meant.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №108486
And the third loves Chekhov and Dawkins. And the organ concert in the cathedral near the restaurant, which happened to emerge in the conversation, was not news for him.
Should I indicate that I hired a third, or is it so obvious?)
That is all I have to do. Grow up people. Good books and pleasure will bring and open all doors to you.
— — — —

Reminded me:
The man long thought which of the three girls in love with him to marry. He decided to give each $5,000 and find out how they would dispose of them.
The first bought expensive clothes, the best cosmetics, went to an elite beauty salon – in general, did everything to look perfect, and said, “I love you very much and I want everyone to know that you have the most beautiful wife in the city.”
The second spent all the money on her potential husband, buying him new costumes, shirts, tools for the car, and said, "You are the most important to me, so I spent all the money on you."
The third put 5,000 dollars in circulation, earned another 5,000 and returned everything to the man: "I love you very much. I did this to make you realize that I am smart and unfathomable.
The man thought — and married the one whose breasts were larger.
— — —
I am for what? I don't know what business you work in, but it is better to promote not the experts of Chekhov and the authority, but those who will better cope with the job in the new place. However, if the work is not important - you can promote pleasant interlocutors. Those with larger breasts.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna