— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №13651
The statement "I have nothing to do with" usually ends with the question: "You

Do you love me?"

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №13650
Conversation with the Boss:
I: Vasily Alexandrovich, the customer got, the forces are not charged, do not deal with them or I will send them!! to
Chef: These are our main customers to send them we do not have the right and in general according to the laws of business we must love them in every way.
I: I am an employee and I prefer to love employers exclusively through the bosses.
No one has ever called me Gandalf so beautifully.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №13649
WRYYYYYY! In the abyss is just barbarism!
Dear administration, please enter small IQ tests instead of words. This will allow you to divide people who want to share humor and people who post a joke on the machine! You will not add a quotation again if you have to think a little...

Whoever is tired, do not regret the plush.

The cat, the shredder, the odmin, the greenpeace.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №13648
by VKontakte. In the photo, the girl stands on the ankle in Nevada, the description: "This is I in Peter, on Petropavlovka, Day of the City". Comments such as: "So beautiful", "Sunshine", "You look good". One comment: "Have you then not grown the membranes between your fingers?"

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №13647
The telephone conversation:
Did you lose your flash yesterday?
Did you lose what you want as a reward?
You know, we accidentally looked at the content, we can offer you
Position of system administrator.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №13646
Daddy, if you read, Dima is my boyfriend and we are going to get married!!!! to
Mommy, if you read the book, stop smoking us, I’m 18 years old...I want to do it twice every 4 months when you go on a business trip.
The smoke!! Hold on! We will break! "I agree" is the answer to your proposal. We get married in July.
and all!
(Huyasse Blonde Shredder Cat Odmin O_O)
Help me to make a personal life!

and Gerda.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №13645
Request for interruption...

Please stop reading the abyss and go back to your business.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №13644
Volch: You read Bas all day with the boss sitting opposite. Back home, back to the computer. And you read again with the same, fucking, stone rose.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №13643
1: When I bend, my hair on the face slips, ppc

When it gets worse in the mouth.

And when you walk on them, it’s more shit.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №13642
by Deimos:
Putin said "Gaza will not!"
Israel has understood this...

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №13641
Constantine (11:58:16 12/01/2009)
We are preparing for a friend's wedding, we are looking, as appropriate, for all kinds of games.We found his father's old book "Council to Love (methodical recommendations and plan-scenario for the conduct of an unshakable wedding)":

"Kipvik" - this dpevny dance-igpa came to us from the Baltic States. The boys become a puppy, and the girls, coming out of the puppy to a puppy, puppy into the puppy. The one of the young men who manages to catch him on the flight, gets a chance to call this girl to dance.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №13640

NAHA07: Could we meet? =) is
V.A.GGo with you, shame on the people.
by NAHA07:? to
V.A.G: Oh, forgive me, I’m so wrong))Prasty native will not repeat
NAHA07: No, you are lying, you really wanted to write this to me???? to
V.A.G: No bl* yourself mja such a carve and nothing you write
NAHA07: Who is it?? to
V.A.G: Bl* forgive))) Again the window mistake, I am writing here with my sister so in the ass)
The hour has passed. *
I have almost everything on the net!!No class, and you?
V.A.G. I have PPS, all day apart from you absolutely no one (

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13639
Pariah: P.P.Z., I have done it, I look at a happy telephone, there is an abama that opens something and eats a hamburger, all around with glasses, the speaker broadcasts something reasonable-good-eternal and everything would be nothing...
if not the voice on the 2nd plan in Russian "scha buchnem folk"

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №13638
Exp3rT: About the fact that passing the exam to this teacher will be fun, I understood, after reading the first review about him on the formula... "on the exam he fell asleep and fell right on me..."

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13637
We then went with a companion to the store and asked for a lighter, a bottle of water and a little chocolate.
The seller thought and said:
There is no foil in the small Alyenka.
...and we thought we bought a big "Alanka". Such things.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №13636
What did you watch Hentai?
yyy: the black Bible and the Angel of Death Jabriel (well or so)
X: Did you feel ashamed of her?
I am a monster.
Yes, people were fucking there, you should at least be red.
Fuck me, and what?
YYY: I also have a day to go.
Fuck, they are fucking fucking!
How funny you are 😉
XXX: But... they were fucking!! X is (

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №13635

Ready for the session?How much is EX?

Only 5

2 machines, 3 give up.

I have 2 ATMs) 2 give

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13634
In the Middle Ages, the church strictly forbade a woman to move, to incite sweetness in her husband with obscene movements, and it was ordered during the act to lie quietly and humbly. As a result, a baron, returning from hunting in the deep night, stumbled upon his wife, who seemed to him a little colder than usual, but she always was. And only in the morning he learned that he was sleeping with the deceased woman - she died a few hours before his arrival. Bedolaga had to walk to Rome to paint his sins, and the above rule was attributed, however, performing the marital duty, the wife must show the presence of life with a light movement.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №13633
I went on the street yesterday... I see a terrible sight :)
There is a crowd of dead guys and one on his knees in front of them.
From the crowd there is a phrase: "You can stand on your knees, you can beg, but the driver will be Roma because he is the most sober."

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №13632
Kotъ-Begemotъ: A advice for some fresh catastrophe film
Mihuil: I can suggest a script
Mihuil (on the barge): 2009 Ukrainian nationalists are no longer paying for gas. Russian xenophobes are blocking the valve.
Europe is freezing. But the President of Great America sends his agent (Bruce Will or Willis Smith) to kill the unbearable Yushchenko (M. Freeman). Instead of him comes to power Y. Tymoshenko (N. Kidman).
She goes to Moscow for talks and seduces the President of Russia (S. Gruchin). (Erotic scene in the mausoleum)
Then he opens the valve, but it's too late - all Europeans have died of wild frost ( -10 C). The prime minister is more principled – he cannot forgive the weaknesses of his president and puts an explosive in his helicopter (a scene with a helicopter exploding).
After that, he seizes power in Russia and Ukraine, but it does not stop there.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna