— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108145
Tired of reading other people’s stories?
Sell a computer and buy a bicycle!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №108144
A semester is assigned to the cursor (in especially neglected cases - a month). It is written for 3 days. The diploma is written for a week (in especially advanced cases two), and a year is assigned to it. Here, with the dissertation, the same proportions, only the timeframe is longer.
– – – – –
For the protection of the dissertation, publications, experiments (for technicians), reviews, patents and other labours are needed, the scheme as with the diploma does not run.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №108143
Yes, I laughed today - I took an arduino, and so it turned out that the rope is not given in the set - it is necessary to buy it. In the messy salons of communication there was not a single loose transitory, and to re-order - lazy. I went to Savelovsky, I approached the first pavilion with radio technology, there is a man, besides him - no soul inside. I say, do you have such? There is, he says. and 100 rubles.
I give him a penny, he pulls out of the printer in the place of the seller, takes the money and runs away.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №108142
Former head of Vorkuta Igor Spector proposed to dismiss the mayors of cities for poor snow cleaning

Mikhail Antonevich: If the communal workers do not cope, then let the city administration get better: there will be no use and no slower.
Sergio Is: and still work is enriching

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №108141
xxxh: in my homeland this evening they make cheesecakes with cheese and with guessing elements, such as there with sugar - for a sweet life, with a coin - for money, with a laurel - for fame, etc.)) The Tradition!

With a coin - to visit the dentist

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №108140
xxx: I look at my car, which was not so long ago for 600 taken, is almost half a lam
So shield, I’m in business class now.
yyy: tax pay for the luxury of the fuck!!)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №108139
I talked to my colleagues about active rest. I forgot the word fisherman.I only thought: "We were somehow fishing."

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108138
It’s nice to be surrounded by people with a sense of humor. The situation at work: on the eve of the release, it was discovered that a page of a page on the portal had arrived. No one screams, no psychotics, the boss studying the scale of the disaster sings on the same motive “curved hands have lusted you...”

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №108137
Yyy: This bitch cat is asking something. Her disposal is a house, a healthy sofa, windows with flooring, and this miracle striped of 40 square meters of apartment has chosen to lie a cloth at the door, on which the legs are wiped (

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №108136
Here you fucked up to the guy whose wife joined the group of erotic underwear.
Maybe she wanted to give him a cowardly male in the form of an elephant, the same where a hobbit for writing. Also erotic too.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108135
From the debt:
Can you take your son away from me? He interferes with me.
The child wants to watch the cartoon!
Remove my son, he’ll fall on my head right now.
It is a pity, right? Sit down, Nikita, sit down, look at your aunt (oh, thank you, how nice it is to be aunt at 26 years old!) the multicore.

Especially for similar cases, it is recommended to keep something like the "Black Bible" in the tablet/phone.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №108134
I work in a women’s team and on the most common question on the first working day of the new year:
How did you rest?
I answered:
I do not know. I did not weigh.
After that, the interlocutor usually lowers his eyes, breathes and changes the subject :-)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №108133
Hockin Sergey: Oleg, what about it?
Oleg Pavlovich: All is destroyed
Hothkin Sergey: Buddhist of Heroes
Oleg Pavlovich: I am a Buddhist Siseg!! to
Oleg Pavlovich: not the heroes!
Hothkin Sergey: a good comment)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108132
I wish death to the justifiers of any kind – he who does not value a person’s life should not live alone.

O great knower of life, who desires death to those who desire death! I think, or is there really a hole here? ))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №108131
A: Love lives for three years. The hamster lives three years. Buy a hamster at the beginning of a relationship, its death will serve as a reliable indicator.
L: Sho for nonsense about love lives 3 years? I love my friends for 17 years. My brother is 34.
A: So the hamster of your love is a long-lived mutant, cha ;-)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №108130
After a long period of diarrhea
After all that happened, my ass just has to be invited to the shooting of the fourth part of The Unstoppable.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №108129
XHHH: Having an inflatable bed, it was not worth having a cat (

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №108128
And if time passes and you never see erotic underwear, you could not be invited to the premiere ;)
This is one of the most important aspects of the world.
What a premiere, I beg you! Yes, we look at the pictures. The frog gives half a salary for a piece of tulip on two strands.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108127
Today, my husband went for a walk and went to the pharmacy. He works at home, does a tattoo, and for work he needs vaseline, lubricating the skin during work (who did a tattoo knows). This is the conversation in the pharmacy:
Is there Vaseline? Give 10 tubes (reserve)
There were only six, but the weekend was...

She meant that the goods didn’t come on New Year’s holidays. So there is not much vaseline left, well what are you :)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №108126
Terrible caricaturists got from religion, you say?
Like other groups, Boko Haram uses girls for propaganda purposes, to attract more attention, and for tactical reasons, as they cause less suspicion than men. Abu Bakar Shakau, the leader of Boko Haram, has decided to reduce the age of the “elected” who are destined to die in suicide missions. First they were teenage girls, now we are talking about girls 10 years old. Most often, Boko Haram sends two people to death at once: one girl activates a charge in the center of the market, provoking the appearance of the first victims, then the second undermines its charge when the victims begin to help. Now Shakau ordered the use of minors. Innocent, naive, not suspicious, they can easily cross the boundaries of security. To guarantee the success of the actions of children accompanied by an adult fighter or even a recruiter. They are the ones who press the remote device button, they are the real killers.

I wish death to the justifiers of any kind – he who does not value a person’s life should not live alone.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna