— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №123037
Just as I settled in my village, I paid attention to one uncle. He argued loudly with the saleswoman in the store. The sight of him was more than that - buggy, bald and with a tattoo on the forearm. There was a village resident... Then I heard a lot more about him, that he shot the dog angry and fought with a drunk fisherman. And I saw his face, from time to time, not knowing, naturally. Greetings for the case. One day, my friends and I were walking in the woods and saw him shooting from a gun, into bottles. Unclean, healthy, bald (the baldness I have for some reason is always associated with criminals), not even paying attention to us when we passed. Well, what to say, I feared this man, the village is not simple, there are all sorts of things, including, probably, and "authorities", that hundreds of people were shot and cut.

And one day, by my melancholy, I decided to walk in the forest alone, to think about the eternal and to merge with nature. At the entrance of the forest, I was met by this man. In the green costume, I looked at the undercover and smiled. I turned, and with a quick step, without looking under my feet, led me to the village. She walked quickly, regardless of her legs... She turned around the rotting stem of the berry, and so strongly that she could not walk on her foot, she began to jump on one leg. And the man approached me, well, I think everyone would rape and kill.

The man started to run to me. I tried to maintain self-control, and when he approached, he joyfully said "Hello!" He did not rape and kill me, but just touched my leg, telling me that there were no fractures, but there was a severe stroke. Almost on his hands brought to the house, and wrote to his dad, which ointment the leg now to lubricate.

He was a surgeon at a regional clinical hospital. I was right, he cut down hundreds of people.

[ + 19 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123036
My grandmother (approximately 60 years old) got married in the village. They actually got married to the same elderly grandfather. We ask, why is it suddenly her old age broke the relationship to form and generally, what are the motives and so on? The answer killed with its simplicity. I say, when I go to the bathroom with him, we dress up, he hangs so beautifully!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №123035
"...64MB of opera is enough for everyone,"

The original was 640 kb, but modern brains refuse to perceive it? It hangs on the main. Officially, CH

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №123034
From the news:
The police officer came into the bordell under the guise of a client. With him were issued operatives devices - a magnetic audio carrier and hidden video camera, as well as 10 thousand rubles. The police officer paid for intimate services and selected the girl. She went to the kitchen to hand over the money to her employee. The police officer pursued her, and then showed the girls his passport and explained that it was a control purchase.
The document of the night butterflies did not impress: they accused a student of the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of fraud, and then one of them struck him with a pot on the head. He woke up in a room already connected. According to the victim, the girls applied to him sex toys and clothes. Only after half an hour colleagues of the control buyer managed to break the door and save him.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №123033
And another one:
Here is another option for you:

I have a business, today or tomorrow I will be pressed and found a reason to be put on, the wife with the stamp will be forced to redeem for the rest of her life, and the wife without the stamp will keep the family capital, will redeem and provide me and we, alive, will try elsewhere.

Not today or tomorrow you will find younger, more colored, bigger breasts, etc. My wife will have to leave with nothing. And all the funds invested in your life is just a prospect. And if you have a share in the business, you will sit together.

You will be planted, and the woman without a stamp will find her hand, saying, I am not me, the horse is not mine, and with the family capital will try elsewhere.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123032
Hey, Santa would have brought me a laptop wrapped in a beautiful foil with stars...
WOW: Do you know what is right to say "FOLGA"? Those who say "folga", Santa does not bring laptops.
HHH: Well, then let him put me in the FOLG plAnchett from sAmsung ^_^

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №123031
Or maybe then...

The original text did not disclose who paid for the apartment and for whose money the refrigerator was filled. Something seems to me that the girl was not involved.

Should I sleep with a friend too? From herra, she must cook for 2h, if only one of them satisfies her. She is not a hired housewife for two bats.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №123030
My friend has returned from a week's trip. This was the conference to which she was sent for the first time. The challenge was to find new suppliers for our products. Her first phrase when she returned: "I had so many contacts that the whole card was swollen."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №123029
You went to the poor cleaner. Per a bag for 300,000 rubles her husband, a sanitary technician from Rosneft, gave.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №123028
Here is another option for you:

I have a business, today or tomorrow I will be pressed and found a reason to be put on, the wife with the stamp will be forced to redeem for the rest of her life, and the wife without the stamp will keep the family capital, will redeem and provide me and we, alive, will try elsewhere.

Not today or tomorrow you will find younger, more colored, bigger breasts, etc. My wife will have to leave with nothing. And all the funds invested in your life is just a prospect. And if you have a share in the business, you will sit together.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №123027
4pda processors discuss who uses the oldest processor
by Futaba,
I’m sitting on the 4004, and it’s all flying.
The Z80 unfolded and elegant even the text does not brake when set
and Yron,
The stone from the garden pulled, does not fly, but can be pushed

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №123026
Regularly seeing reports that the people are looking for the “Hateful Eight,” he did not betray the importance of this. Few people need a Windows 8 distribution. It turned out a film.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №123025
I was on a medium-sized bus. Next to me stood a guy of hopeless appearance, his phone ringed. He raises the phone, turns on a loud call and says in a quiet voice:

“Sanya, I’ve broken the speaker, so I’m talking loudly... Let’s go without any matter and excessive information.

From the phone to the bus:

- Hey... People, this is my friend Wenya, he's not given a girlfriend for half a year, so he's a dalbo2.17b...

Three seconds of silence, then a whisper from all sides.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №123024
I’ve been on electric for a long time. As usual, morning pressing. At the next stop in the tambour, having put a lot of effort, a girl is stunned. For this reason, she had to really swallow another girl who had entered before. There is a easy shift.

Well, it is good to push!

You have to go through the salon so that you are not pushed!

Go here if you are so smart.

Here is an unexpected response from a close friend:

- Girls, don't argue, let me stand up between you and push as much as you can.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №123023
If you are here, explain :

You need to write such a proga of the type of capchi: everyone who spills a goose on a neighbor with a perforator should attach a photo of their interior. I think these people have not done repairs for several generations.

Do you do that perforator with every repair? Wallpapers or ceilings white? Or do you constantly pull the dumball out and then re-blow the holes under them? I just capital perforated in 1992 only when I moved into a new house. After that, all the little things like a new shelf are 2 holes for a maximum of 15 seconds (excluding the kitchen headset of the year, so in 2008 it is 12 holes).

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №123022
Yesterday I received an order from my classmate in a burger.

She pretended she didn’t recognize me.

HH: Well, I also made an appearance.

Because I am unemployed.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №123021
I am in the metro today. Someone walks on the platform, sells cardboard icons with some saints - for a wallet, I don't know. He approaches a man, shows his "product". Man: "No-ye-ye, I look very similar to myself in this photo. I won’t buy it!"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №123020
I remembered:
As hanged on a friend's house; mostly suffered from a hernia, and he still twisted the muscle on the compass. The pastoral painting. But fuck me to put my nose in his track sheet...
This Mormon conspirator changed the name for some reason, from boredom to see. Okay, the group of "Poltina" (like Fifty St) did not cause a special stupor, and Skrillex we would like to gently call Sclimax between us, but fucking buton, which meant lines.
Man's House - Unobtained Evil
The Survivors - Jump
Harmony on the whole coil - what, people?
I could not focus. But when he deciphered that the first was Manson’s theme from Resident Ivil, the second House of Pain – Jump Around, and the third – the opening from Tetrady Death (and the group, it turns out, Maximum the Hormone), the unfortunate brain fell into a sediment, and I was under the table.
Then asked to remove the entire list, so far where it rolls.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №123019
Tagged 19297
Imagine I am also a young mom, my baby is now 9 months old, and we live in a new house, and my daughter also sleeps very poorly, and sleeps little, and is difficult to fall asleep.
So when our neighbor started repairs 2 months ago with noisy work in the afternoon I got up to him and found out at what time they were planning to carry out noisy work, told him about the child and we agreed that they are noisy at a certain time, and I at this time will walk the child on the street - you won't believe, but the children on the street usually sleep well. And if the neighbor changes the plan of work, he will let me know. Vuelta, all the problems have been solved.
And when the little girl got sick - I called the neighbor and asked for 3-4 days not to make noise and he did not make noise.
The repair has been completed, no one has been injured, everyone is happy.
In any situation, you can find a compromise, there would be a desire, and with stubborn selfishness and an oppressive attitude toward others you will not anything.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №123018
"Computer program taught to look for humor in pictures"

Zzz 2029 year. You notice a fight of alkashi, get your phone to record what is happening. The program on your phone sees nothing funny in this and calls the police.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna