— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 101 - ] Comment quote №24642
XXX: Mom is sitting by and burning in the monkey. clicking on each link like dancing on the mine field))))) Any second will come out porn

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №24641
Now I listen to a mother telling her sister to take her daughter and go to the mountains to ride. In the process, she says, “She will remember this snow for a lifetime. There has not been such snow in Peter for a hundred and twenty-eight years!
The devil pulled me out, imitating my mother’s voice: "How I remember the last time now"...

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №24640
I understand that you are very sociable, but the door to the toilet should be closed!!!! to

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №24639
Vika: Greet me! I am now a graduate Hiromant!! to
Onassis: Moodza and what?
Take off your hand and send it. I will tell you about your future!!! to
Onassis is ghetto!
Vika: Oooo... I see you are too careful about choosing a partner)))
Onassis: How did you understand this?? to
Vika: On the moose, the rabbit! by the mouse! 😉

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №24638
<November> you hear what I’m telling :D

<Stierchen> let’s go :)

<November>I after work had to take the paper into the container behind the store, and it was already full, well I went in to drown ><
<November> and it is already dark, a man goes by with a child, about 3-4 years old. The boy asks "and what does she do?"
<November> daddy smiled and replied "Sleep goes to bed" :D

<Stierchen> :D

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №24637
Let us say all the words on the letter X.
Give it. Just don’t say the first word out loud, I already know what you’ve thought.
Yes, of course you are, it’s not decent. I can’t say "Habensky" out loud. Oh well fucking!

[ + 102 - ] Comment quote №24636
Today the cat has late congratulated me on the holidays - I open my eyes in the morning and my gaze hits the mouse caught by him (finally!!!And this devil is sitting by the bed and waiting for my reaction...Mommy dear that I have experienced!!! In order not to scare my screams of sleeping guests, I carefully took my mouse into the rubbish pipeline...Well, the cat praised))) He is a real man for me! That is how we live 😉

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №24635
Bobby Voley: Not for you

UN_WAR: You have not written anything

Boby Voley "Not to you"Not to you

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №24634
to this:

I saw the most cruel act of vandalism, the tree thrown into the garbage on January 2.


This is last year’s...

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №24633
We decided somehow with a friend to delight our young people. She advised during the time, forgive the children, the mine to grind a hot coffee, the type of guy will be warmer and more pleasant. On the same day, she tried... She wore the best underwear, turned on the romantic light, tied her eyes, the shortest romance is complete. And here, already during the process, this villain begins to roast wildly!
Are you breaking?? to
The Coffee... xD

I no longer liked such a romance.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №24632
to this

Ura to! I have counted! The minimum number of characters in the quote is 40, the maximum is 1500!

Can I consider myself a British scientist?

I think you have all the reasons to think of yourself as the first bustle of the BOR)) and this is more honorable than some British scientist there.

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №24631
"How you get a new year on comp"
"- two, zero, zero - pla - backspace - one, zero"

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №24630
Also from the English Pediatry about our humor:

Ohuyeli is? (Have you gone mad?) Nahuya (why) dohuya (so much) huyni (of stuff) nahuyarili (you have loaded up)? Rashuyarivay (unload it) nahuy! (Out of Here)
Huli to Huli? (What's the problem?) by Nihuya! (No way though!) Nehuy (No need) rashuyarivat (to unload)! Nahuyacheno ([It] got loaded) nehuyovo! ( Quite well ) The Pohuyuarili! Let's go

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №24629
News on Mail:
At the intersection of the ICAD with the Leningrad Highway, the driver of the gasoline car failed to cope with the control and hit several cars on the touch... Inspectors of the DPS are issuing an accident, measures have been taken to find the gasoline car.

I am pleased with one comment:
Firefighters are looking for, police are looking for.
They are looking for insurance, they are looking for a hospital.
Looking for a long time, offended to tears,
The most common gasoline.
Gasoline without a reason.
He ran out of dozens of cars.
The case was seen by the Movement Inspector.
External camera recording.
The crew of Gaia -
The car disappeared like a mirage.
I was even scared, guys.
They will not be found, because they will take a little..."

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №24628
In the forum:
XXX: What is a cooler?
I am pleased with one response...
YYY: The cooler is Carlson who lives in the system!

[ + 9 - ] Comment quote №24627
Whoever lies hard, everyone gives.
by Yuri Tatarkin

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24626

We were, are and will be a backward country. We are barbarians in everything.
Even in small things. For example, in the kitchen. So what is there in the kitchen – vodka to snack and we do not know. Our imagination doesn’t go any further than “taking a sleeve.” In the extreme case - crush thick slices of fat, extract from the subsoil of the pebbles of salted cucumbers and serve a puddle in the slices of raspberries.
Barbarians are foolish. Because of this barbarism, I drink vodka less and less.
Tired of cuddling. If you are in Sweden, be sure to bring a surprise! The serpent instructed me. I know very well about European cuisine. I read a lot. Surrounding is a classic!
Surstreming has a delicate taste and unique aroma. Surstreming
The fish cousin of Hamon. Spiritual relatives of blue cheese. In the direct and translational sense. Because he has a spicy shoulder.
Washed with streams of cold clean water, Surstreming is laid on a strawberry leaf, dotted with ice from the top. All that remains is to pour vodka into thin drinks.
Interesting fact: the surprising, like everything genius, was discovered by chance.
Once, in the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of a Swedish town, brought to despair by famine (the settlement was besieged by enemies, the Danes, it seems), remembered the cave. Some of the food waste was excavated. Including a worn seed. If we were in the place of the Swedes, we, the Russians, would surely have swallowed the silk, fell into starvation, and surrendered the city.
But the descendants of the Vikings are cast out of steel: the fish is eaten, the necessary calories are received, the enemy is thrown away!
Then they remembered that no one was ill with dysentery.
This is how the first Surstremming appeared. Technology has improved over the years. Today, it is sold in every Swedish farm.

In the story of the Snake, when I arrived in Sweden, I first ran into the store and bought two Surstremming banks. Only then looked.
Vazu, Astrid Lindgren Museum and other attractions in Stockholm.

Have you brought? The young man! The serpent celebrated. We’re gathering at Dacia.
The next weekend. Do not worry about anything. I’ve got it all: vodka.
The ice, the ice. No need anymore. Just black bread. How
A tribute to barbarism.

We went to the serpent on Saturday.

We put the tables and chairs out to the fresh air. I broke the leaves of the strawberry.
I prepared ice cubes.

The courtyard was gradually filled with unfamiliar people.
Along the border the neighboring dogs defiled.
Two cats, climbing up on the shore, pretended to sit in a seat near the shredder, although they themselves stumbled on the serving.

The serpent invited neighbors to dinner.
I remember an elderly nice couple: husband – retired diplomat, wife
An intelligent woman with a crooked nose.
I’ve lived in South America all my life, and I’ve heard about surprises.
never tried. It is crazy interesting! The lady said. You are us.
Let me take a little with you: we brought the container specifically.

I got a surprise from my backpack.

The serpent opened the banks with delight.

Five minutes later, the lunch was over.

The most gentle half of the guests rushed to the side of the cushion as soon as the knife ripped the canned c "12-00" to "15-00".

By the “18-00” disappeared, removing the assembly at the scavenger, cats.

The dogs behaved more steadily: at first they were interested in the hurricane smell fell, they pushed for a couple of minutes at the fence with their noses stretched, but then, apparently, "tried out" and pulled around the houses.

The diplomatic relationship lasted the longest. The lady, clamping her crooked nose, not only managed to chew one piece, but also forced her husband. The husband, hardened by communication with the bloody Latin American dictators, stumbled, but resisted.
With them in the container, the diplomats did not take anything. Despite the fact that the Serpent spoke to them quite vigorously.

Finally, when the last guests left, the question arose: what to do with
Surstreming and who will join the liquidator team. Since the family of the Snake, escaping from the chemical attack, hid in the house, closing the doors and windows, I and the Snake had to go to the liquidators. Like the doctors.
Instructed to nauseous myasms in anatomy.

For a long time, they decided how to bury the contents of the bottles. Just attributing to washing was a meaningless and overwhelming decision. Because it required the purchase of anti-gas for the entire village.
Buried in the ground? Entrance into wastewater? No, it is not suitable.

The surreaming was placed in three layers of plastic bags, packed in a metal bowl-sarcofag and buried in the most impassable area of the forest at a depth of 1 meter.

The barbarians. This is because we are barbarians. The serpent was eating vodka.
Salad and salty corns from the straw. We are not taught to
Ordinary European cuisine. You should get used to it from childhood.

No one objected to him. The mouths were occupied with spicy stitches and juicy bits.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №24625
I am increasingly convinced that the root of the word “to fall in love” is not “love”, but “blame.”

[ + 93 - ] Comment quote №24624
In the camp "Year of Youth" at Seliger, one of the organizers reads before building a note from a girl who participated in the festival:
Please allow at least men to drink in the camp. Some of us don’t have a chance...

[ + 103 - ] Comment quote №24623
Tonight I dreamed such a nonsense that I met the alarm clock with the words: Mja, finally!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna