— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №107965
Four wonderful drillers... If you try to combine them into one, then an interesting picture can come out: Aragorn Arah(t)Ornovich mines wood under the continuous drill of GP and basilica: "For us free... For friends free... Cat figure! She is a miner!"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107964
Nadin Thirteen: All these columns on your feet
Nadin Thirteen: Do you have acoustics in the lead body?
Nadin Thirteen: What about the current beat? What about the smell of nail?
Nadin Thirteen: I just have a cat.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107963
In the country, all the work is reworked? Yes, by the way, who at the beginning of the 90s pulled balloons - at the end of the 90s wholesale warehouses ran.
Mudila, in the early 90s, the balls were pulled by those who were in the 80s, i.e. The speculators. The wholesale warehouses were run not by the bowlers, but by those who hanged these bowlers for eggs when they did not bring the bowl at the time. If it's a job for you - then yes, you fit into the market, all by Chubais. And for normal people "work" is something else. That was the joke at the time:
Two factory directors met and talked.
What are you doing?
I have not paid my salary for six months. They go anyway.
I’m already paying for entrance, they’re going too. Maybe try them?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107962
Never, hear, never leave the enamel in the aerosol in the toilet!!!!!!!!!!!! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107961
DeArto, you will do even more for the planet and for mankind if you stop writing your stuff here.

The anecdote.
Dear, Happy Birthday I will give you a subscription to the etiquette courses.
It is awful!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107960
Bogomolec: My girlfriend has a habit: when she hugs me, she makes sounds like a cat’s murmuring.

After a while, a friend in the correspondence asked me how kindly I call my girlfriend... Well, I replied – MURENA. Scuck, it is still crawling.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107959
The easier life, the softer the humor.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №107958
On the weekend, evil weather promised a snowstorm, and the people rushed to the shops for the most necessary.
The line to the box reminds me of a "slang" from an old phone toy. Look at it and eat its tail.
- Conserves, candles, bread, milk took... - the guy loudly reports to his wife on the phone.
What else to take? The condoms? Disappointed by three? Very good packaging?! to
The boy floats in a smile, turns to the grandmother standing behind:
I will come now. Remember me?
The Grandmother:
My son, I remembered you all.

Roman Rosengurt

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №107957
You must always smile. Someone honestly, someone honestly.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №107956
Princess Mother:

My 4 year old daughter is playing with me as a doctor.
“Woman, I’ll prescribe a medicine for you so that you don’t get sick anymore, you’ll drink one tablespoon. Take a record. A-ce-ton "

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107955
Thank you to the manager for the excellent communication between departments and the introduction of fresh management ideas:
customer department: we recorded everything in the journal of IT problems
The IT Department: Wow! We have a magazine! :O O

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107954
The news:
Audi has allowed journalists to travel from Silicon Valley to Las Vegas in the cabin of an experienced robot car based on the Audi A7. According to available information, the car-robot perfectly managed its task during the journey, which reached 885 kilometers (550 miles).

The first comment:
We will soon be able to get rid of those who drive.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №107953
Will you cook pork or will I cook something like that?

Dear, if you want to cook something like this, don't forget about the belt, socks, and wait until the children fall asleep.
I burn pork and cook rice.

and #10084

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №107952
here here :

My cat thinks her name is "Cats"

And my – "both-e-e-ed!!and "

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107951
The contents of wild cockroaches in the Kiev Zoo are 16,000 grams per month.

For a long time, I could not understand why the cockroaches in the zoo are measured in grams per place. Why is such a measurement necessary?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №107950
To all those who argue about the woods that explode in the oven:

All is described in the story of M.M. Zoshchenko "Fanging the thief in the original way", 1934-1935.

All are good.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №107949
Ahuli Serebrâ: Why do we constantly say toasts before taking alcohol, if they still have no magic power? At least once it was such that somebody said, “Well, let’s drink for health!” and somebody right away like, “O guys fuck me it seems like the ulcer has just passed.”

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №107948
And all because I wheeled a wheelchair, and my two sons were walking and holding their girlfriend on both sides of their hands, and I was going with them and talking about snow and winter. What hurt this woman, I don’t know.

You described the problem yourself. Usually walking moms are either built in two or three wheelchairs. Or, like you, a wheelchair and a chain of three children.
At the same time, of course, the entire sidewalk is blocked and in 90% of cases nobody even tries to give up the road.
In good weather, it doesn’t bother. But in the snow or snowfall, when it is difficult to turn away or filled with getting into dirt, such behavior is outrageous. and honestly.
I haven’t started spitting in the back yet, but who knows what will happen with age :)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №107947
[rubric "Tips and Ideas"]

X: Can you tell me how to make a lisuna?? to
Ask in the category "Dating, Love, Relationships"!! Where do the moderators look?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107946
Here is this:

here here :
<...> In order to prevent theft of wood, you can feed them, dry them and enjoy the result. The main thing is not to throw such wood into the oven.
It is...
A relative, who served in the army, said: when the neighbors began to steal wood, he started several fields with artillery powder. The robberies soon ceased due to the lack of a stove.
For spells that explode and spread the stove, you can sit if any of the thieves kill or shake.

Let not my wood touch, then it will not rot.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna