— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №122897
It turns out that the quest "Sit on a diet after the New Year", is given only after "Eat all the foods left after the New Year".

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №122896
“Vietnamese military are studying mysterious space balls that have fallen from the sky.”

The local newspaper Thanh Nien has rushed to report that a preliminary investigation has concluded the Russian origin of these strange balls, and that they may be part of missiles or a spacecraft. Why such a conclusion was made is not yet known, since no identification signs are visible on the photos of the balls.

From the comments:

- With the last transport ship "Progress" to the ISS was delivered 5 balls intended for scientific experiments. Two of them were broken and three lost.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №122895
Oh, I hear by night: Zebayka No. 228 is my aunt. Aunt Val, I will bring you an old broken cinematic TV. A gift for the New Year, ah. This is the most useful thing in the farm. In the spring, you will be able to plant plants in the building, and in the rest of the year, your grandchildren, my cousins, will store their toys in it. Inside you will give to the bombs, they will fix their health on the given color and color, and you will draw a plus in your karma. Don’t give up, you are an uneducated woman. Do not spoil my nerves and your ears! I spent time on this TV!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №122894
Loan 19289, you probably live in a fairy tale world. Of course, the girl settled with two prynts, who, as you know, do not caca. They don’t waste, they don’t pack clothes. And that simple man should be delighted at all that he was invited to the palace! What does it cost her to prepare a royal breakfast, lunch, and dinner, to peddle the castle, and buy household appliances with her unfathomable scholarship! How she dared to leave us, such beautiful ones, and stop us in the pop-up! Here’s how we’ll write about it "for a while", you’ll know!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №122893
I want to go to the mountains, drink wine on bear’s skin and kiss.
What can I give you for the New Year?
In the new shoes.
At least the sign he gave.
Boots, skins, wine and mountains
I'll probably give you a flashlight on a flexible leg.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №122892
My friend has returned from a week's trip. This was the conference to which she was sent for the first time. The challenge was to find new suppliers for our products. Her first phrase when she returned: “I had so many contacts that the whole card was swollen”... Probably in our team this phrase will now become winged!))

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №122891
From Habr:

BlanF: If the illustrator, who took to vectorize your content after pre-payment posted his photo with the calyan in VK, most likely the content will not be ready soon.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №122890
by 19289
The next time you go to your wife’s coat, don’t forget to bring her girlfriend the same. The wife’s friend, the holy one!
Or when the parents are going to dig up the garden - and the neighbor's couple dig over at the same time. Our neighbors are everything!
Let’s see who you are as a princess.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №122889
I read the amendments to the contract proposed by the Client.

I am afraid of the simplicity of applying for victory. In short, the essence of his adjustment can be explained as "we will pay for work when we are in the mood. When and how"

I would like to introduce a new item on my part.
Paragraph 3.3.6. to be presented as follows: "Since the Contract concluded, the Customer showed himself as a tricky modlan, the Parties agreed on the settlement procedure in the form of 300% prepayment".

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №122888
288, did you carefully read the original complaint?

Its author does not fail to throw out "unnecessary stuff", he is just tired of excessive attention. They ask him, "What do you want to be given to you?" and they get the answer, "That or that," but they don't give absolutely what they were asked for. And at the same time they still complain - that they ran to look for to pick up, so much money dropped down... and when they discover that their greatest gift was thrown out, or they were thrown on an antresol - they are offended immensely!

It is the donor who has the cult of the gift, not the gifted. You don’t know what to give (you can’t, you don’t want to) – don’t drag any sludge "to get away";, better don’t give anything. and real.
And the visitor is just a recommendation list, no one compels anyone, and the person will sooner or later buy from it what he wants. But note – he will be happy to get the same from another.

Oh well! Because a gift is when you want to make someone pleasant. Not the opposite. There is another proverb: "Take, wretch, what is bad for us". It does not need to be implemented exactly.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122887
Sneg: We are on a train with my daughter (4 years). I met a 5-year-old girl. The kids look out the window and talk.
The stop.
Look, there are two cars!
My authority: You are saying wrong. Not two cars, but two (here I start to feel proud of my daughter...) and two cars!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №122886
I have seen these alpine cows.
The Fucking Alpine Cowboys
They will jump in their Alps.
They eat their alpine trees.
They’re running right in front of your nose.
and more

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №122885
According to scientists, the Milky Way galaxy in which the Earth is located will collide with the Andromeda galaxy, which is 2.5 million light-years away from us.

The comments:
XHH: (I went to stock up fireworks and crops)

[ + 27 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122884
They say the heater is broken.
I ask what model.
Answer: "do not cover" :D

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №122883
Computers in the Triple Logic:
XXX: How did the triple perforator look?
YYY: Same as the triple perfocard.
xxx: I don’t want to seem boring, but then what was the triple perfocard?
Are the holes triangular?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №122882
LIKE: 11 January I was on the way to work...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №122881
I was undergoing medical examination in the clinic. Kilometre lines everywhere, people are dark! I sit, waiting for my turn to the reception, I play Tetris on the phone, trying to abstract from the weird grandmothers and unwanted conversations, but it wasn’t! At some point in the game, I hear, “Why didn’t you put the red here?” It turns out, all the time I was playing, two grandmothers from different sides watched my actions closely. You will not hide from them :)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №122880
Yesterday my girlfriend stayed with me for the night, it was about sex and she asked to include something in the background so that if the parents heard the movie. I decided to include the film, The Slave Trade (2014), which I wanted to see for a long time. So, preludes, hot kisses and here movie heroes say, “Take her away, and we’ll see!“We haven’t roasted so long.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №122879
If you beat, and the feeling of guilt never came - it means that you did everything right.

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №122878
In the 1980s, she worked in a surgical receiver, receiving an ambal of 1.90 height and weight of one and a half centners with a broken butt. The neurosurgeon comes and begins to collect the history, and in the process the neurological hammer in front of his eyes leads, knocks on his knees and forearms.I don't know what this package in the backsmith has swallowed up, only he rushed to the doctor, crashed and melted under himself, one leg from under the package. To say that I was scared - not to say anything, there was no guard in those years, I was 50 kg. I soon called the department with the scream "our beats" and, while the doctors ran running from the seventh floor, I jumped up to the bunker and that was the strength struck my leg. Ambal knocked and silenced, and I feel his foot with the shoe coming out of my pants and I still have it in my hands. I stand, neither alive nor dead, afraid to look down, here the surgeons resorted and on the question of what is happening got the answer:

I cut off the man’s leg.

The protest appeared.

A man in a monkey, a neurosurgeon in a hospital, and I was washed with tea for two hours. But then, if any bulldozer did, the surgeons said to him:

- You're not here very much, or we'll call Natashka, she'll live up your legs.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna