— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №37450
The Americans eat hot dogs, the French eat frogs, and we Russians, what’s worse? This reasonable question was asked by the people of the glorious
Dmitry in the past. Until then, the winter waves in Dmitrov were somewhat sunny - the citizens are drunk, they will burn the cheek, their eyes in the salyut, their mouths in the salad...

So this time the program of the holiday decided to decorate with games for adults. Not the best for kids, right? Games have come up with a few - fighting a wall on a wall for a snow fortress, shooting in a tirade on the drawn women and what I am going to tell you.

The hero of this game was a ruby, round-little blunt. Blinds baked in a pavilion in the city square. And the game is this - whoever eats the most blines, the money prize and a beam of excitement. The losers of the record, on the contrary, pay the cost of the eaten, and from that same money grows the jackpot for the next winner.

On the evening of the oil Sunday, the deadly record was 52 blins, and the jackpot grew to 22,000 rubles, because four dozen applicants were unable to reach the record. One after another, people departed from the pavilion - with round, painful stomachs and weakened wallets.

But here, it seems, a serious candidate approached the pavilion - the school.
Vasily Egorovich, a real mountain man, a meter ninety height and width with a barrel. He went hand in hand with his wife, a small teacher of physical education.

Oh, Vasya, twenty two thousand are playing! Try it, right? - said
The Wife. You will buy me a new coat. For the second year, before
People are uncomfortable.
“No, dear, your coat is good. I need a laptop for work.
Better to...
My wife’s face was terrible.
Better not to argue. The coat is such a coat, he gave up.

Vasily Egorovich stood up in front of the pelvis with cloves and began to quickly throw them into his mouth. The test circles disappeared one after another in his enormous body. The cook said loudly:
Seventeen, eighteen and nineteen.

In the fourth decade, the speed dropped significantly. He began to look at every shit before eating. At the beginning of the fifth decade of Vasily
Egorovich became suspiciously heavy and pulled off his jacket. The forty-eighth shit had eaten already in pieces, with tame pauses. Finally, taking in his hands the forty-ninth crap, Vasily Egorovich squeezed his lips and issued some sort of nutshell.
No more... I can... he whispered.
What are you, Vassula? The fool? We don’t have money to pay for.
Nothing eaten! Eat it!
Vasily Egorovich looked at the shit and turned away. – is
It does not go down.
My wife was pale.
What are you standing? I was upset. Go home for the money.
Oh, and it is true. Sorry, Vasenko, the teacher of physics has turned
and ran home.

As soon as his wife disappeared in the crowd, Vasily Egorovich smiled insidiously, flashed at the audience and immediately threw in his mouth the forty-nine throw, and a dozen others!
“Your twenty-two thousand,” the cook gave him the money.
I will buy a laptop. And the coat to his wife - later, when he learns not
Disputes with the head of the family. - said Vasily Egorovich, addressing the spectators.
I’ll go and glad her that you can’t pay for blinks.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №37449
The Sociological Service conducts a survey:
How many times a week do you have sex with your wife?
Well... once ten.
That’s almost twice as much as your neighbor.
It is still my wife.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №37448
XXX: I fucked the copywriter. She relaxed yesterday and here she is! I know how to swallow...


yyy: I think it was necessary to carry out the entire census under the slogan: Break the census, increase the census! Ahahahahahahahahah!

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №37447
She: You are a real friend.
Will we have friendly sex?? to
You are no longer my friend.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №37446
X: Greetings friends
and darroff! How are you living?
I kill the robbery.
You will not be robbed.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №37445
Preamble: My friend has no heating, the pipes are cold.

Olga (one class) (16:44:04 14/10/2010)
Dad came today. I was finally waiting for the tearers who made the heating!!! I was waiting, waiting for them. They all said they were going and didn’t go naturally. As a result, he called there once again, said that he himself turned off the battery and now fills the neighbors with hot water!!! In the end came an accident and cut water all over the house )))))))))) hahaha. But they did everything.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №37444
Stopped the mints, a type of habit.Long basarily.Compiled the protocol then broke said to drive...In the protocol wrote: Give 200r. I asked for 500 r.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №37443
On Fridays I am kind.
Today is Wednesday...
That is it, stupid shit!

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №37442
From Habr:
Putin signed a resolution on deducting the authors of 1% of the cost of equipment and clean disks

xxx: I spiraled (forced spiral) Not found for sale) disc of the band "Drochey Wildstyle". From the disc I bought, this 1% will surely fall to the band "Durning Wild", and not to some pop singer?

YYY: Well what are you. The news clearly shows where the money will go: "Nikita Mikhalkov's birthday is next week, and they will give him a gift."

zzz: That is, the money is going to go to the Drawing Wild, but not to the group.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №37441
Stimulate the spread of ubuntu - hand over your school to OSEP!

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №37440
Talk to my brother about terrorism.
He said, “Sweat them with logic, kill the unbeliever, and you will enter Paradise.”
I: Oh, their 40 virgins are attracted...I don’t understand what the joke is, in 40 days they will end...and maybe earlier.
Are they one-time ones?? to
I: O_O

In Paradise, according to Islamic teaching, the righteous men will live with their guru - black-eyed full-breast virgins, restoring virginity every morning.
I said this to my brother, and he replied:
I can’t understand that they like to fight in the blood.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №37439
A planet disappeared from the map of the sky. As it turned out later, American scientists simply wiped out the lenses of the telescope, which they have not done for the last 8 months.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №37438
I sit in the yard at the entrance. A man goes, approaches the car, pins on the wheel. The signal works. He is standing, looking up. Half a minute later, the owner of the car cries out from the window - "Serega! Go out! Come and drink a beer!" Russia is dancing

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №37437
Just came a person from the SES to us in the testing department, asking:
"The mouse doesn’t bother"
He said to him:
"No, it works well"
Silently, he put the poison in the corners and left.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №37436
We live in communion with friends. I go into the room and he cries:
I made pasta with meat inside, will you eat it?
I will be Cannes! In the fleet?
He turns around, looking philosophically at the smoked kitchen and what he called pasta, and says:
By the boy!

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №37435
Paul: wrote in Google "by fancy boat"
Paul: the second reference issued "How to correctly beat the hair - Forum of the Literary Club"
Paul: My perceptions of the world changed, I turned off the computer, I went to bed.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №37434
Yesterday I drank whiskey with friends (one of them was a colleague at work)
They broke up quite early, but the ball colleague was already on the autopilot. all
They split up in the subway.
Today he writes from the ass of the house (to work was unable to go out):
I probably had an adventure yesterday.
In the morning I found in my pocket a sergeant’s package... Passport, money and money.
The phone is in place... but the jaw slightly hurts, but I slept on it.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №37433
Today at eight o’clock I am sitting at a client in Gorohova, with a laptop. I try to fix the work of the radio point... In the room to the computer operator (in which the equipment is installed) someone enters and greets her. I’m with my phone in my hands, I’m sitting at the entrance with my back, all so important and busy... And then they say to me from behind: “You can leave us alone for a while.” I am so upset and upset turning back... And there are two collectors with machines... I couldn’t refuse them...)))

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №37432
A friend wanted to jump with a parachute and called me with him. I told him to find out the price. He comes in the evening and says:
I found out, with a parachute 150 hryvnia, without a parachute 80.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №37431
Blblbl Blbl:
I was at a Jewish wedding. Everyone speaks Hebrew. I am not in the subject. I found a Russian-speaking man and started a conversation.
About language, about music, about cinema.
So he told me that the whole of Israel is in Russian. Everyone knows the Russian mat.
I ask you a reasonable question: "Do you miss yours?and"
He: "Just in your language it sounds pretty" =)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna