— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №120796
Qqq: About the friendship between m and z.
qqq: I met a former woman in the subway on a meeting escalator.
Qqq: I’m in a hug with my new girlfriend. She hugged with her boyfriend.
Qqq: Almost aligned, we stretch each other’s hands.
QQQ: High five
Qqq: Let’s go on with the poherfeys. Currently in Houston.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №120795
Only if I do not need it, I sought a companion of life and a companion to share all the joys and misfortunes of this life in two, and I got the slave Isaur - feed and fuck, and fuck life yourself as you want.

This is not the woman you chose, in the hole and chest polstered here and got. Life satellite is not selected by these parameters

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №120794
We drove in a buchanka - a guard to work, on the road of bikes, history. We had a very good middle-aged man:

Once a friend and I went fishing, he fell under the ice, I laughed so much, I laughed so much!

Why did you laugh?

Because my friend was a joke, I thought he was joking.

and I-Y?

He has drowned.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №120793
It was ten years ago. You know, probably, that plastic bags were not sold freely at the time. An empty bag could only be taken by rubbing bread out of it or pouring rice into a bowl. Naturally, the washing-drying-fitting of such a rarity was almost compulsory.

But this time passed, rolls of plastic bags of different colors and sizes appeared in business stores.

Here I come to my grandparents for a week to rest and I watch the whole week, as one, the other stands bending over the dishwasher, and as stripes-washed splash transparent balls with soap.

Naturally, before leaving, I bought them a huge roll of polyethylene and punished them not to argue about saving money. Fuck the washing and drying!

When I called the next week, my grandmother was excited to say how comfortable it was now. And I was satisfied. Until the next month she came to visit. The roll became one-and-a-half times bigger, as they wrapped the release of the container on it from the top, and also wrapped the whole package with bags there. In other words, Grandma Win.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №120792
A souvenir magnet on the refrigerator creates a field of about 5 milliseconds.

The colleague:
That’s what pulls me to the refrigerator!

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120791
Someday during a family feast, his father told the following story: somewhere in the 90s he decided to arrange a book, he had something about $ 200 there, which for us at the time was angry money. And one day, he comes home, and there are no books, he raised the whole house to his ears - where are the books? My grandmother successfully removed them. The father was then digging in a washing machine, looking for a snail, not for an hour, but never found anything. And now, 20 years later, at the same feast, my 35-year-old uncle declares that he had found it long before his grandmother threw out the books, spent it, and told his grandmother to throw out the books.

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120790
I work with a local internet provider. When calling users need to name a login. Before working in technical support, I did not even suspect to describe as different words as possible a letter of the English alphabet. To such descriptions as the “turned metro” (W), “the umbrella hand” (J), “nearly a dollar” (S), “the snake” (Z), “the half of O” (D), “the letter like a glass” (Y), “the wiped 8” (S).

But one letter very much made me think and then laughed. The man’s letter O.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №120789
We have a teacher in the universe of old hardening. Somewhere under 70. Very strict and disciplined. I can’t tolerate delays. Protecting his lab from the first time is generally from the field of fiction, and how we suffered with the course, you will not pass. But he has one characteristic for which everyone loves him very much. Even at the exam, he did not forbid anyone to use a mobile phone, arguing that there was and will be nothing new. The second year we wait for someone to tell him about the mobile internet

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120788
I introduced my childhood friend to my friend. The date took place.

A friend wrote to me:

It was the best date! You have a wonderful friend!

The friend:

She showed me a picture of her sixth finger on her foot. I could not sleep for a long time.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №120787
From the famous synchronist translator:
Volodarsky told how in Soviet times he was called to simultaneously translate the film "Calves" for the ranks. He says: "I translate, I have not watched this movie before, and at the moment when the hero jumps into the water, suddenly (with the appropriate sound design) a decomposed face of the drowning appears in the frame. I almost got crazy, and I didn’t notice how the microphone whispered – crazy!!! Then I sat, sweated and thought that I would not go home from the show, but they didn’t come to me, apparently, they thought everything, and I sounded out.”

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №120786
and OK. Let’s say I’m a producer of some super-mega-popular Kirkor Filipov.
We forgot a new album. all costs for the release of the master disc (payments to musicians + studio + designers + marketing + we have more) amounted to 0.5 lamas.
We carry the master disc to the factory, order the printing of 100 thousand copies. The cost of plastic and finished polygraphy for one bulb - 1 (one) backs. The total cost is 600 thousand. It is sold for 10 backs. The total profit is one lame. We deduct all the expenses, we pay taxes on the profits... less than a hundred pieces we and Kirkor have. of little. So we sell 50 per disc :) and we have it okay. Theoretically, after such a "operation" we should be a fan of piracy. But somehow not. For every animal that has jumped our mega-album has stripped us of a half-toss. taken from the ceiling and no longer justified. But I lost it!! to
Such a logic.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120785
zzz: I fell the piano on my knees and shook the strings like a rock guitar.

The guy, the piano on which you can scare the strings with your hand, is called "arpha".

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №120784
Let’s imagine for a second that copyright holders are blocking the distribution of content on the Internet. Totally totally. All links to sources will be killed in a second. What will change?
We will record sources from broadcasts on the same Internet (radio, online cinemas, TV channels on the Internet), scan books, rob discs, and so on. And on the Internet, we will agree on weekly meetings for the exchange of content - this is not forbidden. What will the owner eventually get? and nothing. I can't download a new movie from torrents - fuck it, I'll wait until it's shown somewhere for free. They will not show - I will not die either, I will wait for copies and friends to appear. Will not appear? I love this horse movie, I’ll see another. This is the 21st century, the time of consumer abundance. We will find excitement. And rightholders will sit in the embrace of rights. And without sales.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №120783
"Being in trend" in Romanian:
I recently met the company of the Romans, a Roma mariner proudly walked in front of her in a shirt shrouded with straws. Strasses were laid a repeating pattern - the most bite apple and the inscription "Apple".

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №120782
Because I love you, this last piece of cake remains for you.
Freo: We have different principles now and if you love it, you have to eat this piece yourself so that it doesn’t lay on my ass.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №120781
You guys, are you a whimper? Parents with children are a part of society like everyone else. What kind of scare should they get out of the house and when it's convenient for a fool? Are your wheelchairs not suitable? Disabled people too? The elderly and full? What shit do they go into the shops, in public transport? So let the frightened in the houses sit so as not to offend the eyes of really important people. Who, of course, do not interfere with anyone, do not drive a car, do not walk, do not walk in public transport, do not have children, do not get sick.
Fight the wall, the ugly creatures. Then you will stop disturbing others, and most importantly you will stop getting the whole world.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №120780
xxx: here we came up with a mega-plan to create a domestic OS
Finland must be annexed and Linus Torvalds taken personally.
xxx: and voila - now Linux domestic development
yyy: =))))
Yes, we have to do what we know how to do well.
YYY: not the OS to develop =)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №120779
In his childhood he was very capricious. And suddenly it came to me that I did not change at all, just raised my caprices to the rank of life principles.

Almost all adults are like that, but few admit it. Parents also impose their caprices on their children.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120778
Part 2
Piracy (virtual, not Somalia) does not affect the profits of producers. Manufacturers never act on shoes. They know what they are doing and for whom they are doing. There is always a demand for what they do, and by how big the demand is, they can predict their income and regulate costs. In short, manufacturers never work at a loss. And no matter how global piracy is, they always compensate for their costs and, moreover, make a profit. Piracy is gathering the tiny pieces from the bar table. A person cannot go to the cinema – good people give him the opportunity to watch a movie in the campsite. Camry will be done as long as there is demand for them. If a person wants to watch in quality – he will have to buy a DVD, or wait until somebody puts out a DVD-rip. But then he will not be one who was able to enjoy the movie (game or something else) among the first! This is already a psychological factor that strongly affects demand, in part it is it that makes people spend money, not download from the internet, and it is on such people (on Real buyers, not on all those who want to) and manufacturers are oriented.
Therefore, talking about piracy depriving someone of profits is a lie (in 99% of cases). Piracy is a separate economic niche with its own producers, demand and supply. And if someone’s sales failed, then the reason is probably not in pirates, but in their goods.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120777
Volha: When I brought Leo to the veterinarian, I was echoingly told: "You will take into account, according to our many years of observation, up to five cats - this is still the norm, but from the sixth it already begins to shrink... "
What do you have to say, until four?And " I cried out.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna