— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №22580
from the answer to the subscriber of one mobile company: "From your account is withdrawn 2 rubles per day for the service "Money does not take"!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №22579
I killed windows, put Linux... the laptop behaved as if I had driven the devil out of it...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №22578
Russian banks will be obliged to return funds written off by fraudsters from a plastic card before it is blocked. Relevant amendments to legislation are being developed in the Government
Anidi: Yes, it would be good to order the government to return the drunken money and stolen phones :)
Anidi: as well as the money in the restaurant spent on the grandmother, if the grandmother did not give

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №22577
XXX: Save the Barrel Road :*
Yyy: I must save the barrels))) and what is in them?? to

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №22576
Ruffian: I watched the picture today.
Gopniki removed from trees feeders for birds (full seeds)
Poor people, I’m sorry for them, they’re fighting for life xD

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №22575
Status of Friends:

I want a girl, I want a girl. Directly here.

After 5 hours:

I want a freezer, I want a freezer.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №22574
Well, and I will support the company "accessible hollow wi-fi" =)
Krasnoyarsk, the right shore, street Tchaikovsky between the 11th and 11th houses will best be caught my open point (d-link). Access speed is 4 megabits, which is not bad for our city =)

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №22573
She-I know you’re there... so take off the pop from the chair, your legs in your arms, your head between your knees and your bell to me!! to

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №22572
emo_niteg_zaipal: fucking, I can't find a job, my girlfriend is chasing a mine (( What should I do? It is :'(
Euthanasia: along the
emo_niteg_zaipal: What does it mean "along"? Cheers to my trouble!? to
Euthanasia: No, this means the veins cut strictly down!

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №22571
Has anyone ever told you in your life that you are a fool?
Serena is no.
Thats the first!

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №22570
A case in the universe. Before the written assignment on the 5th course, Prep says:
Maybe someone is pregnant? I will charge the machine!
Everyone looked around (like no one would), but one student quickly reacted:
Can I go out? I want a machine!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №22569
I have two serious questions for you.

I listen to.

Even three.

He listened even stronger.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №22568
1: Gye, prickin, and I look at the enchanted!! to
I think I’ve grown up or not yet.
I realized that I grew up when I began to admire not the Force of the Three Enchanted, but the fact that they were walking through a series without turns.
Fuck, I have grown up!! to

[ + 79 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22567
to this:

Go away from her, she’s a car, who knows what’s in her mind.

Laugh in vain. My washing machine goes out to the seridine of the bathroom when washing, and not always, but by mood. The last time I found her at the door. to my own:
Where is? She cried and stopped. My favorite socks were eaten during the laundry.What do they have in mind?! to

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №22566
Winter on Friday night. I went out to throw the rubbish.
And there is a sudden scream from the pitch:"Who are you to ban me from drinking on Friday!and "

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №22565
I downloaded a song that is called ÃÂÃÃÂÃÂ ÃÂÃÃÃÂ ÂÂÂÂÂÂÃÃÂ ÃÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÃÃ. I listened. It turned out to be a song text.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №22564
This hour on the radio heard that the sports club Dynamo together with this (which) radio conduct a new competition: "Miss Dynamo"))) The country must know its heroine)))

[ + 53 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22563
Do you like Topinambur?
I prefer traditional sex.
- O_O

[ + 102 - ] Comment quote №22562
YYY: Where were you?
XXX: Educational work of the wife
XXX: Coming from work in the saliva and doing more at night
XXX: 4 am in the morning, we are already asleep, I wake up from the pin to the leg and watch. He stands up, passes through me and wildly carries to the side of the toilet, in the corridor he meets the door of the closet with his forehead. Tagged with "Fuck!“" He hid in the bathroom. Out of the toilet again running and also tapping and in the door and again in the forehead! The cry "Bla", rushes to the bed, in all the height stands up over me and declares "You are who?" without waiting for me to answer lie down and fall asleep instantly.
Terry walks with a fingering on his forehead, remembers nothing and swears no more in his mouth.

[ + 106 - ] Comment quote №22561
I work as a seller in a store with all kinds of CD-DVDs, here comes a cute girl, a blonde :) approaches me and here begins this great dialogue:
Hi, I need a bitch.
Oh what, forgive me?? to
Oh my god, you know, you are a shit!! to
I (I try not to roar the whole voice) - O_o
This is an empty disk, a shit!
I - you know girl, an empty disk is BOVANKA, and a fool is called someone else!

The shop was... :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna