— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №120656
And now I have an excellent Russian-made kitchen, which has about 160 parts, two bags of cartridges, dumbels, nails and screws, as well as two whole sheets of instructions. They look like this: "Here is a bag for you, here are spare parts for you, put everything in one bunch and mix until you guess the sequence.

Oh yes! I, having assembled the Russian kitchen alone from a set of boards, staples and facades, so pumped my levels that I now collect kits from IKEA without looking at it at all.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120655
Grandma has just arrived.
I need to write out "Physical Education and Sport" and "Magic and Life".
So I wanted to answer "You will finally decide".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №120654
Do you really think you can quit smoking?
Netter: Well I could start.
Sungin:... logically, ept

[ + 16 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120653
Return the literate publishers to Zdolba! li!!!!!!!! to
Do you have any food for your students???? to
by 18835
"no one does not", "no one does not say about anything" - in a self-respecting publication for such mistakes, the editor is dismissed in vain!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120652
xxx: And I want a toy luke with a laser target)
Is Laser Targeting Really Suitable?
xxx of course! It is the essence! You pull them out of the couch and shoot them immediately.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120651
xxxh: I was looking for a meat machine, stumbled on a review on the website of the online store: (orthography of the author is preserved) Good meat machine - meat grills quickly. Very liked that low noise level - children will not be if turned on in the morning. In general, in the home, this meat machine is a real salvation.
Well, in principle, if it is THAT to use straight from the morning)))) then there will definitely be no children))))))) and yes, in this sense it is in everyday life and really "salvation"!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №120650
Next to me in the subway talked two elderly optimists

xxx: "In these houses that are Khrushchev, no one lives anymore. Only refugees are provided apartments in them"

xxx: I didn't get upset guys - they live in such a classy country :)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №120649
Here you are, smart man.

I just watched the first series...
and sad. and weak. ...
And most importantly - during viewing did not leave the obsessive feeling that all this was shot by some external observers, with our legendary 90s acquaintances listening.
I looked at both directors’ interviews.
Here is the guess!
Both are born in 1983.
In 1995, they were both 12 years old. They were small at the time, barely walking under the table.
Well, what can people who have not lived this life get about the sense of the world of the 90s?

I will not argue about the series. But your mother! I was 7 in the 95's - and this is not an indicator! It was very felt when the mother-in-law - not once Alkashi - took everything out of the house, so that we and my sister did not bend. When at every step they try to take the last - and they even succeed. When you don’t go to school for a few days, because you don’t have the strength to get up. When a crowd of gopars runs through the street at night from one person, but this one has a gun in his hand. When you go out of the entrance in the morning, and in the basement (where it is warmer) a crowd of spectators - your peers. When, finally, every week, the ambulance with the blessing of mints brought out of the house another hanging / poisoned / opened neighbor, who all lost due to the machinery of the ruby. All of us, fucking, felt it. And fear for various reasons, and poverty, and humiliation, and a lot more.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №120648
xxx: I wonder how much the debian will break if you write out the butterflies there and make a dystapgrid? =) is
XXX: Probably too much
Yyy: Mjye knows enough o.o.
zzz: they’re putting out these bumps, and then they’re knocking each other in the ass!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120647
A review of the Ural Dark Force motorcycle:
It had to be a “captain bridge” in the hill to do. Make a two-seater cylinder, move the controls there and name the series "Millennium Falcon". Behind the shuttle sits the proud and gray (from happiness, to see) owner, in the place of the shuttler his grown-up friend, who has already lost his human appearance and roar in a drunk ugar.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120646
What are you doing, Sodomites?! to
YYY is history.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №120645
XXX: on December 20 in the village of Ust-Hayruzovo will be held the competition on the hillside
XXX: under the title "sand starts"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №120644
Solo is blade. The accountancy in a bunch of documents indicated me as a jurisprudence.
The Consul, the Blade.
Ambassador of Justice, yupta.

Graphik: now demand a consular ZP and a small state

and diplomatic inviolability.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №120643
My wife laundered the laundry in the morning. By the end of the washing, there was a disgusting smell of sewage, and the machine is driving on the floor.

It smells again.
When did I start washing?
It’s the end of the laundry, right?
Wife: Yes
And then she left again.
I: She asks her to walk out, even to hide in the house begins.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №120642
Damn this uncomfortable situation now - all the balls in one pile
Yes brother, I don’t like it either.
Especially when your feet are stuck.
When you walk in the street and you can't scratch
Tagged: eyeyeyee
I mean, I am a billionaire.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №120641
Greetings from the owner of the cat.
Getting into something is my destiny. and :)
I walk through the forest of my labs and wait for a girl. At this point, a kind of crendel with a baseball beat comes in and begins to squeeze the line to my dog’s horns. I intercept a more convenient guide, they can be blocked and removed if I am interested in "what you need. The man" He puts a photo under my nose and explains that his wife was bitten by a dog in the park! He is looking for this dog. They begin to explain that I don't have dogs - I have Labradors, they don't bite, tested many times. In short, my favorite (as always on time) fits in the photo and we learn three things: 1) We are fools! This is a human bite. Someone has a horn.
The guy stabbed for a while. Then he takes the nearest labrador, who looks at all this with complete indifference and bites himself by his leg! He compares tracks and strives toward the horizon with the scream of the "nu fox!"Hepping.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №120640
Bustly! I want a button here, fucking.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120639
"Drive the accelerator on the light..."
The Wise. There is no need to go over the stop-line to the cross road. It burns red - we are standing, not reaching the stop line. Lighting from red yellow - release the brake. The car drops smoothly to the line, just lighting green, and we still evaluate if someone does not complete the manoeuvre at the intersection. In this place, we smoothly plunge the pedal and smoothly outperform the smarts, who at this moment "press the accelerator," roaring the motor and swirling the standing tiny out of under the wheels. They, of course, will then break forward and joyfully guess to the next light, again, on the red with the braking of the brake and flying over the stop line...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120638
I bought salt. It is written on the packaging: "small". I think that’s good! Now I’ll look for it to be written "soft and dry":

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №120637
xxx: Dash, and you probably know how to do these.bat files?

Yyy: Yes, but I need flying mice, one for each file.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna