— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106394
To the topic of collection for "theoretically possible" piracy.
Will this not make piracy even more violent? The logic is this: once it is flat, then why not stop?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106393
Well, well... Then explain, what does, as you claim, a good primary school teacher with a pedinstudium tower do as an office manager?
Maybe he just survives. Maybe she can count, and she understands that 25 as a secretary is more than 15 as a teacher. Ask why did you go to the pit? Where do we teach secretaries? Higher education is required for admission to this position.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №106392
I received a monthly subscription from the company to the gym. Although the money prize would be preferred, but it is not bad either. The hall itself is modern, bright, fashionable. Boys and girls are also engaged. Guys are almost all pulled, pumped, but somewhat egregious. They talk about young people, they joke about young people. I haven’t gotten that yet.
And then there comes a man, already in his age. Low, thin, already over forty, in a bagged balloon. On the runway he swallowed for a moment. Of course it was "understood" in a minute. In a joke they made bets on what "stand" of this "grandfather" will get a heart attack.
This "grandfather" approaches the free worker, businessfully, after the next catch, increases the load (from my place it seemed to be twice) and removes the balloon. In general, it was like a tractor entered the parking lot of expensive parking lots. His hands were thicker than many of his legs. The first exercise in a week that passed in absolute silence.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №106391
Some outdoors, in other people's pockets in the subway - and nothing, do not create on billboards posts about how unfair greedy pocket owners are.
— — —
This is the comparison of pirates with thieves. The thief makes so that the owner of the content of the pockets of this same content is deprived. The pirate does not deprive the author or publisher of the musical composition, video material or what they sell there. Your argument is disabled.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №106390
I was also tormented by doubts after the institute that I didn’t get there, but it turned out, just the planet is like that.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106389
> Can we trust the figures of Rosstat?
> You can, if they confirm your opinion. In other cases, it cannot.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №106388
About copying

And I am baking bread for myself - say, am I violating the rights of bread farms by making copies of their products for personal use?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106387
With Geektimes:
Do not pour sodium chloride on damages to the external tissues of my body!
And do not transmit information verbally with a pronounced depressive-expressive color!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106386
The son asks to send a letter to Santa. He is motivated by what has been listened to for a long time. I try to call him to his conscience:
When was the last time you listened to me?
And today?
Is it when?? to
When you invited me to lunch!! to

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106385
What is it, for example? What has Mikhalkov achieved if I write a FreeBSD distribution on DVD and have to pay it some tax on the purchase of each bulldozer? What does it have to do with this distribution?
And the main thing - if I'm going to record a pirate screw on this disk, it will not be licensed because of this tax anyway. Like the movies of the same kind. By the way, they just don’t want to record them on disks – such bad movies on such good disks.

Mikhalkov and Ko are generally left-wing people who just want to warm their hands.
They have neither copyright nor exclusive rights to distribute the goods for which, for the most part, this... collection is charged. I would call him so.
Against that, yes, we have to fight. Because it is simply "divorce for money". So now they want to introduce a tax on the internet. 25 per person per month.
I hope they’ll be sent. far and far.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №106384
xxx: I come to work, I notice a nice colleague in the paper stamp. I write about it and I begin to doubt myself. And he answers me that I’m not sure about writing, but I’m sure he likes me. We look around, an awkward moment, we kiss timidly. The boss runs past and, not noticing our unconstitutional relationships, joyfully says that since we are all at eight in the morning at work, let’s do a great job.
YYY: at what time? At the eight? O_O
In this place I wake up. The job is sleepy, there are no nice colleagues at work.
xxx: But what’s really angry... I can’t remember a word with a print to check how it’s written!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №106383
In short, I accidentally saw a few minutes of the Detective series, the same feeling when the actors in the "successful" porn play better than in the federal channel.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106382
The full enjoyment of the opera can sometimes be prevented only by the need to constantly awaken the husband.
(The Pitiova)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №106381
I remember when I was young, I bought Chinese condoms, but they were cheap. Pichalka was: then small, then broke, then fell... Then in the pharmacies appeared normal, but expensive... tried... since then I have not even looked at cheap.
O O O O O O O. In the same period (when buying cheap contraceptives) went to cheap hairdressers. Regularly in the morning suffered with a haircut - urinated, sprayed gels, slipped, and still the haircut was of the type "I fell from the senoval - inhibited my head". And then I got to my wife's hairdresser (expensive fuck), but instead of haircut every 20 days, I go once every 2-3 months, or even less often. I woke up in the morning and spent five days on my hair as a model! I look at myself in the mirror, beautiful.
What am I for? Comrades, don't be like those condoms - fucking, but cheap!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №106380
xxx: We at the institute of Ubuntu in one computer class stood, so one student in general stated that "nafiga this udunda here, it is unknown". S "Udunt" had a six-month hustle until she fixed the lecturer at a network lecture: "what is the host? Maybe the tail?"

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №106379
On GickTimes (Habr) in a row in the tape three articles:

1st NASA has provided a new photo of Europe - the satellite of Jupiter
2nd Japan has successfully launched the Hayabusa 2 spacecraft, which will fly onto an asteroid, collect threads there and return in 2019.
Three In Russia proposed to introduce a "tax on the Internet"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №106378
My mom is watching me (her son) dress up.
“Just like you, only children tie the ropes... and men... let me show you how people do it.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №106377
I am in the car.

I am a good rabbit

Come out beloved

Wife: I will leave

I will soon go out.

Don’t leave without me and documents on the car 😉

Wife: Blind ((

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №106376
Olya: Misha, please tell me, do you grow a beard?
Mika: Because I’m a musician, I need my beard for a brutal appearance.
Are you going to sit in ZZ Top?

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106375
Better to come 30 minutes later than to die 30 years earlier.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna