— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №147255
You can’t sleep at work?
When I came to work drunk, I slept without problems.
YYY: Who are you working for?
XXX: No More

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147254
Such a classic!

> I am 30 years old. Will I ever be smart?

Claudia Ivanovna was stupid. Her old age did not allow us to hope that she would someday become smarter (Ild, Petrov)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147253
Fucking about dancing! Stop it now! I am almost 28, I think about the fact that it would be good to meet someone, to have a partner, more friends... Then I read that aggressive fiction that you will tell about both the relationship between men and women and about the relationship between people of the same sex, and I immediately feel a disgust and an insurmountable desire to fall into any video game and never, never in life to connect with live people. Stop killing my faith in humanity!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №147252
I will explain - will give up the place not beautiful, but old or pregnant

Humor at this resource! Or stop, do you really believe it? Well googled experiments then if you don’t see what’s going on. Beautiful, and also in a challenging dress / makeup will give up / carry a bag / other times more often than pregnant or old.
During my pregnancy only women gave me a seat. According to my colleagues, I am not alone.
But when I was 18 years old, I didn’t have an offer to sit in the tram, yes.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №147251
Most often, further coupling occurs by the method of external fertilization, in which a small male tightly embraces the big lady with its front legs and watered the caviar with sperm, which she all this time moisturizes. But some species prefer fertilization internally, when the pair turns to each other with cloaks and combines them, and the Nectophrynoides frogs, for example, carry small frogs and give birth to them fully formed. With the usual, external mating, the male releases the partner only when he feels that her belly has become soft - the reserves of caviar have exhausted.and c)

As you can see, even with external fertilization, the bridegroom is not afraid to ride on the lady by horse.And you, fucking, now bear the moral responsibility for what contextual advertising I have after googling THIS!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №147250
XXX is ANNA! A computer program is not a man: if you offend it, it will not help.
You, of course, can still offend me for not being able to help you recover the data, but fucking this will not help either!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №147249
If ladies and cavaliers are not equal, then on the dances the cavalier to stand and curl his mouth, not inviting the girls and ladies to dance - a monstrous vocal tone. Because of this, GH in the famous novel J. Austin scratched in full. The whole society considered him an arrogant, rude, poorly educated snob. In modern dances - you can invite a girl only if she agrees to lie down immediately after the dances, otherwise stand at the wall, isn't it for you that the beauty grew up with your mom? I could never understand the behavior of the guys, as if they also came to dance, why don’t they dance? Now is clear.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №147248
The wheel cannot be used because it was invented by the Bloody Sumerians.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №147247
What horse, what horse? I watched the cartoon about the rabbit, the wolf and Santa. My grandfather is riding a car! In the minibus.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №147246
I remember when Одноклассники just appeared, in one clever company discussed the idea of creating a social network "Ex". And they all roared, and then suddenly thought of something, darkened and said, “Yes, Nafiq!”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147245
It is like buying, for example, a refrigerator, signing a contract on a bunch of pages and having a representative of the factory-producer regularly come to see.

This is called "warranty service" or "tech support". It is actively used in the industry, in the household is very lacking. What is wrong with this?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №147244
I composed an entire text with couplets of the "Daddy-Channel from Transcaucasia" on the theme of the "Girl of Praskovia", which then sounded from every household appliance.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №147243
<Julio> What does the oven scream about? How to repair it?
<Pedro> Oh, guy, your grammar creates masterpieces. It sounds like Hemingway’s novel, "What the oven whispers about".

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №147242
Tolerance is cool! For us, the fat, recently in the subway and buses made special places, even pictograms painted with a blushed man. I always ride these places, a couple of times even pulled away from the places of some aunts!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №147241
XXX: Going on a horse
YYY: Making the move of the Gypsies

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №147240
Q1: How did it go?
xy2: classic: the employer equipped the tool under the curtain, only the only suitable burr on 16mm was under SDS max, and we have the perfect, you understand, not the max.
Q1: The store?
xy2: 800 km in the tundra. The nearest. and the customer breathes in the back of the neck - by the evening, the controller must be equipped with a grid for the guards: He comes! Time - 14.00, evening = 17.00 (in general, 15.00, but it was possible to agree)
How did you run around the building in search of a storm/perf?
xy2: Then the stage passed: without time and guarantees does not work, and the search specialist at the interstate. They decided otherwise: the Bulgarian turned the fixer of the thunder into a cylindrical, sprinkling off the max heresy, and the transitional cartridge from the perf to the drill was finally useful... Everything was done on time, everyone is happy.
xy1: the harsh sabbaths of Aitishnik, the fucking...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №147239
He wants sex – doesn’t mean he wants it with you.

And what is characteristic, with those who understand this, want it much more often...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №147238
There was a girl with whom I had a relationship, walked, spent a lot of time together. Then came the moment when it was not called, there was no reaction at all to the messages, read and silence. Naturally, after such ignorance in a couple of days, I stopped calling and writing, continued to live a normal life. A month later she announced with the story that she was pregnant from some type and he is such a cattle is not responsible, said abortion to do, the child he does not need. I woke up, I was just shocked by such a greed, you ran into bed with a guy at the moment when you told me about some high feelings and after he refused - you decided to come back to me. I’ve heard similar stories before, but I didn’t think it would happen to me.

It would be nothing, she gave birth, the child is a year old, she is alone, sometimes she writes, her last writer has surpassed all expectations.

D. Can you name one reason why we can’t be together?

The reasons are in the face.

There are no feelings.

You behaved like a wlyuxa.

Later in this same conversation (when she pre-fantasized) I became "not a man" because I don't want to take a girl with a child, although I did not say a word about the child in principle.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №147237
Our grandchildren will no longer write on the fence.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №147236
I read the story of how a father persuaded his daughter to make a tattoo. I remembered...

My son did not want to learn the alphabet. The guy doesn’t need it. And so he lived well... He took the child into the yard. He asked for a hammer, blinking unnoticed. The palace played:
What is? Do you want to study like I did at my time? Do you think you already know what you need? Be ready for adult life!! to
The palace turned and went away. The child remained silent. Then he carefully laid the butt on the brick and went to teach the alphabet.

P.S As it turns out, he has a degree in philosophy. That’s why he got into the topic so quickly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna