— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №151747
If we don’t want to go all the time on the robberies, we have to take the villas sometimes.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151746
I live in a private house, 2 floors (this is important).
I’m having a birthday and I’m constantly calling for congratulations. He went up to the 2nd floor and left his phone there. In the kitchen all in the process of cooking, cooking, roasting. The cat is sitting on the stairs, watching me. Suddenly I hear her whisper, not just a whisper, but a real whisper. I look, she sits quietly and just roar, I approach her and I hear the phone call. That’s how she warned me of a call I didn’t hear.
They understand everything, but sometimes we can’t understand them.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №151745
And what if the men who walk around the city in camouflage shape, just hunt for the lady in leopard loins?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №151744
We sat yesterday with our daughter in the lobby of a small private medical center, waiting for our mother. The foyer plays the role of a reception room, there is a reception with a check-in and sofas, on which other waiters are located, among which a married couple, I thought, aged between 40 and 50 about. For a few minutes they sat down and talked quietly, after which the lady got up and approached the reception, where there was a woman working in the registry, a procedural nurse and a doctor. A visitor speaks to all three:

Sorry please. I got drunk yesterday, can you help?

The doctor looked at her over her glasses:

Of course bring it.

The visitor, sadly laying his hands on the reception and laying his head on them:

This is I...

The mood of the people in the room improved noticeably, especially the husband of the visitor.

Do you want a capsule? Asked the nurse.

Yes if you can.

Go to))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №151743
Second class, English language Teached as it did. In the first class, the letters were taught, they did not learn. In the second, you must be able to read. Someone leads children to teachers, someone flegmatically hits children's problems, and someone discusses teachers and the curriculum with the unchanged "but in our time...". We also practice at home extra because the information received in the lessons is not especially absorbed.

Reading and translating dialogue. The current rules of reading are learned, the words are learned, the necessary verbs are kicked off from the teeth. He reads quickly, confidently and consciously. In class, the teacher calls to read, the daughter reads, translates. D is a daughter, A is a teacher.

Sit down, you are four!

I read and translated everything correctly.

I asked you, not you raised your hand.

[ + 34 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151742
In the 3rd grade, the son prepared a report on precious stones for a school scientific conference. I went online and searched for information. He described what stones are mined where, in what way. How are used. I got into such debris that I had to persuade to simplify to make it clearer.

At the end of the conference, the jury considered that he himself could not do such work. A good leader (who has authority in the school) fought for him. She said that if you ask him questions, he will answer everything. did not help.

Fortunately, the son was not upset because he was not ambitious. I was upset because I knew he had done all the work himself.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №151741
If there are comedians in politics, the country is not humorous.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №151740
I have a friend, Vivi.
Vitya was born and raised in Chita. Then he entered the Institute in Leningrad.
He emigrated to Israel, and from Israel to Toronto, Canada. I signed a contract in San Francisco.

He went to the Pacific Ocean and said:
“There is nowhere else to go. Continue to read!”

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №151739
Friedrich Nietzsche stands at the shelf and thinks, "What half of the shelf to take: the front or the rear? It seems like you want to identify the act of eating bird meat with the birth of the world, with the beginning of something beautiful, and on the other hand, there are delicious legs in the back, although it is sunset and eclipse. Or maybe cut it off?”

The confused scientist was noticed by the seller and rushed to ask what he was thinking. Nietzsche shared his trouble, and the seller replied:

Your theory is slim. It reflects the objective reality and is consistent with the contemporary views of philosophers, but the true essence of the universe is that we don’t sell the half-solders.

[ + 30 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151738
On the corporate after the ninth bottle of champagne, a 20-year-old employee with a sad look:

I was disappointed at 13 years old. One person caused me so much pain that I wanted to close my eyes and never open them again.

Her girlfriend is about the same age:

I had something similar at that age. After that I could not trust anyone for a long time. Until the very graduation class, I did not allow guys to come to me, because the fear of betrayal forced me to shut up from everyone.

I am :

And at the age of 13, I put my hands on a flush plate to hit my younger brother in the ear with static electricity and shouted, "Pica-pica, fuck! »

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №151737
Apparently, the tales of Nosov and the works of Lenin will soon be banned.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №151736
The Sevastopol Bike. 1 part.

Don't get married girls
For the Marines
The sailors are standing.
on the rocky shores.”

I searched the internet in search of this stuff. not found. What is strange: in Sevast during my childhood, every dog knew it.
The USSR. The 70s.
A group of sailing sailors are given a "Dembel accord": to complete the shore for the "strongevics". Which the builders cannot afford.
It is understandable: the builders are not in danger, they will be at home when they want, and not as the commander will release.
The task, as it is in the fleet, is simple: there are no building materials, no tools, no drawings (and would anyone know how to read them?) No qualifying, but in two weeks it will be ready!
The shipwrecker in the fleet is the greatest specialist in mining anything. You just have to motivate him properly.
And here they gathered all the colour of the Sevastopol hauptwacht. Compounds of society. Legends of the Navy.
The disadvantaged got exhausted, distributed duties and took up the business.
Three days later, there was everything on the building – cement, bricks, boards, paint, and even cranes. That is cover.
Much later, in the spring, some, especially foolish, fleet officers stumbled without finding their dachas in the usual place.
As the song sang, "On the deck came out, and the deck is not."
Like a cow’s tongue.
Also missing tires with cars of responsible employees of the Admiralty (see). “The Cranes”)

But the main problem was the armor. It just had nowhere to take.
Her brother scratched her tails, shrugged her brains and remembered the Ship Cemetery. From the big letter. At the time it was a whole city. There was everything. Literally everything. If you can search. The sailors were able to search and a day later there was a huge pile of rust iron on the construction site, suitable for the role of armor.
Among this debris, the Chekhov rifle rolled a fateful screw with a diameter of almost half a meter.
Which in a hurry was caught so that he was washing out over the line of the bridge.

Two weeks later, the shore was completed, painted and presented to a slightly upset chief.

The commander wiped out the eyes, wiped the butt-mirage did not disappear. Then uncertainly, with fear, he entered the new building. The speech endured. I dared, the most desperate cap- once jumped. The commission froze. But the creation of the naval genius stood indestructible.
The commission joyfully jumped on the floor. Then came the injection.
Prical, from the long-building of which the Chief of the Fleet broke them, was destroyed! Hurra comrades! “There are no fortresses that the Bolsheviks could not take.”
Looking beyond the end of the mind was not enough for anyone.

The Negodyas, built nearby, were declared heroes, grabbed with their hands, hugged paternally and sent home.

Sharding to the native pierce from the full run is a great applied art. The Navy Chick. The captain of the guard of the exile, skillfully, stamped the ship to the new wall.
The hustle of the diesel hid the sound from the steamed cover.
A large device was announced upon arrival. The ship departed from Baku to Utah. Botzman goes through the compartments to check the cleanliness.
And he will look at what he sees.
In one of the rooms, he discovers an obvious mess: a huge rusted screw coming out of the curtain.
There is a violation of all the unshakable foundations of the fleet! If there is a screw, then it should be with a gauge, a swing and a contractor! Little that must be painted with a statute ball paint!
Botzman gives the task to two sensible years (tm) - to eliminate the shame.
The thinking of the gods on the fleet is a thing unified. Within an hour, both searchers find themselves on a treacherous shipwreck.
And then find the desired half-meter diameter hooks!
By the evening, the disadvantage is eliminated: the hooks are turned on the screw and the entire structure is beautifully painted. Botzman admired the composition, humbled by the soul and announced the years of removal from them previously imposed penalties.

It is time to go to the sea. The ship rotates with screws - and from no place. That is how it happens - the Ahtyar Bay is filled with winds, sometimes the ships climb deadly.
It is known as a boiler.
They drive the most powerful one that the helicopter carriers pull. He is attached to the guard with ropes. Butterfly, crumbling, not pulling, not from the place. Strong, to see, to climb.
The captain of the towner decides to tear off the damned curtain "from the river". It speeds up, choosing the slope of the ropes and...
A wild thunder is spread, the guard breaks off from the anchor wall together with the entire scull and immediately lies on the ground.
This is yes! “The commander said five centimeters from the pier. Let me die!
And immediately with his forehead he broke the glass, flew through it and flew to breathe. The crew flew like crows.
Thirsty rats flew to the deck. The strangest thing is that they are all alive. This is how we are lazy, contrary to courage.
The freshly painted screw shone beautifully in the sun.
It is as if you were shameless, because you will not be shamed. What to report to Moscow? That a combat ship of the USSR Navy was sinking as a result of wrapping it to the shore?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №151735
Vladimir Putin said that the destruction of sanctions products supports Russian agriculture and develops the country’s economy. I strongly support our President. I also demand to crush the Mercedes of officials for the development of the local automotive industry and to melt the yachts of oligarchs for the restoration of the domestic shipbuilding. Then our country is facing a real economic breakthrough.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151734
xxx: I have a poppy cage almost always open when someone is watching him at home, and he can go out for a walk if he wants, but he still prefers to play with his bell most of the time.

Yyy: One of my friends leads a similar way of life))

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №151733
Once in school, they offered to volunteer for the summer to make a report on biology and brilliantly start the year from five. I spent the summer with my grandmother, away from printers, libraries and the internet. But fortunately (no) she had a great book about roses and over the summer I re-written it into an album by hand, adding pencil illustrations of representatives of different varieties, pests and diseases. In September I was waiting for the result, everyone got a rating of 5, and I was 4. The teacher answered my question very simply. Everyone tried to draw up reports decently and found printers for this. I was polished.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №151732
There is one guy, a private assistant. I called him once, pumped the septic. A month later I called him again and his father had already come. Six months later, my wife and I sought an apartment and picked up options. One of the apartments was that man, his wife and daughter were at home. Of course, he did not remember me. And I saw his truck, so I remembered. A month later, I understood credit contracts at work, and one of them was that guy. Funny that way. I can come to him and say, “Siroga, my brother! Are you like yourself? Are you also on the ascenseur? Does he help or does he help himself? How about Marina? Is he also on care? Did your daughter go to the garden? Has the house already been sold in the port?

He doesn’t know me...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №151731
Yesterday I bought a dozen small (from the palm) caresses to "bake". Karasi was lying in the store in a box with ice, i.e. Without water. Then I have a couple or three hours in the refrigerator, in a closed bag. I gathered to clean, and, Oppo, one is moving! He was placed in an empty aquarium. for a while fell on the side, and overnight shrugged and now feels good. That’s what I know, life.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №151730
A friend told me a story, with his permission.

When I was 11, I watched the animated series "X-Men" on the Fox Kids channel. There was a very important line of events about Phoenix and everything that was related to it. I tried not to miss a single series. It was a good evening and my parents went to work. My mother went to Vladivostok, and my father was on duty. I went to school, went home and waited. Time for the series. I’m looking forward to the continuation of the story... But if everything was smooth, I’t tell it. My father and his colleague come. He says that they need to do something very important, and he asks me to go out and warm up the car (to not dust), because it is winter, and then they need to go. The guy, if he does not warm up, will not be able to start and his colleague will have to stay with us at night. In fact, I was not pleased:

1st I don’t want to miss the series.

2nd I don’t want any man to stay with us anymore.

have thought. In principle, if I get home very quickly, I will have time for the daily repetition of the series. Okay, I went into the car. I dressed up, dressed up, took a drink (they know how much it is) and I went into the car. I sit, sit and dumb. A boring PC. Music was one chance, but there were no smartphones at the time. I decided to go home for a moment to get at least a tetris. The door did not open for a long time. Dad’s friend opened and looked at me. “What do I need?” He says. Ohuet, I came home and I was still questioned... “I want to take Tetris.” He says what he will bring now goes into the room and is absent for a long time. All this time the silence is almost grave, only the telecast talks. Dad comes, gives me a tetris and says they haven’t finished yet. After taking a good toy, I go into the car and sit on. It’s not hot in the car, I would say. Batteries because of the cold, and because they were not new, quickly died out, so it is boring again. I spit on all this, stifled the car and went home. Two daughters come out of the apartment to meet me (then they seemed to me aunt, and now I would give these aunts 19-20 years old) and laugh about something between them running down. A friend of mine comes out and takes the keys from me. I go up and ask straight:

and dad. What was it?

You are about what?

Is it about my aunt who left us?

They came to work, and they didn’t lie.) is

I understand. What is so long?

“Sorry, but it didn’t work before... You’re... Mom, just don’t talk about work. Okay is?

Okay well.

The next day, he flew out of school to get away. I run and the TV doesn’t work!!! and soooo!! How I was angry. First on myself, then on my father’s colleague, and then on my father’s. I think that’s all! Mom will come and tell her what she missed the series. He did so. Mom began to question why I missed what I was doing in the car and everything else. Question after question and she learned absolutely everything. I didn’t even realize how I completely surrendered my father with his feet. Dad was very angry with me. Then there was a divorce, a trial, and my decision to stay with my mom because my dad thought it was their fault. He said for a long time that he did not participate, but was just present for the company. And killed - "I told Oleg that you need to be in the office!" By the way, Oleg and his wife did not divorce, he also said that he did not participate (they called the girls to see how they would do something with each other, ah). Three years later, the father returned to the family, still begged forgiveness, but his mother took him into such a mess that he could not even move. I don’t know if I did it right then, but still.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №151729
A friend of Rielter told me: There is a woman. The debt on public payments is approximately 600tr. Not paying for about 10 years. He asks what should I do with this? The police seized all the accounts and cards. On the other day, electricians came and cut off the light, the water channel sent a notification that it would also turn off. misery in general.

I ask, how is it at work? Do you retain anything from the salary?

In what work? I have not worked a day in my life! I raise my son and my husband pays me alimony for it, and we live on it. Here, my son will soon be 18 years old, I will send him to the army - let him go on a contract and earn an apartment himself, and I will sell my 4 room and buy one. My son will send money, and I will not pay for the community. As long as there are debts accumulated, the son's apartment will be given and I will live with him.

Next to him was a little boy sitting and kicking his head.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №151728
A frightening nation relies on former merits, like a weak old man on the roof.

Strong, leaves them to museums, burns the enemy standards, and goes on.

( by Stalin )

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna