— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №109903
If you witness a crime, you must call the police. Everything else has a chance to end in prison for you already. Do you want to live in the Middle Ages and concepts or in the 21st century and the rule of law?
Formally, you are absolutely right. No one has the right to demand more from you. But in fact it is a question of justified or unjustified risk. The police will be on the spot in 20 minutes. Maybe even 40. Or maybe more. And if you want to live in the 21st century or in the 34th, in a rule of law or on the Alpha Centauri, all this time, sorry, no one will fuck.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109902
If you stop drinking, then in essence, nothing is lost, just sometimes there is a feeling - you need to drink:(

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №109901
Context advertising is burning too.
The whole week I watched films about Pila, all seven films. Now the advertisement offers me to buy a pile.

Maybe he thinks I want to continue his business.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109900
This is:
It’s also fine when a girl doesn’t know what to give a guy – maybe they haven’t been familiar for so long. But when the wife does not know what to give to her husband... You married a man - and you do not know what he is interested in, what subjects and spheres of life are interesting to him, what he values, what is pleasant to him? Can’t or don’t want to talk to him about his interests, plans, tastes?
Are you married to an unfamiliar and unfamiliar person?and "

A genius of logic, and you didn’t think that sometimes you just don’t have the opportunity to buy what he really wants? So you try to pick up something neutral and pleasant. My well-known husband, for example, wants a spinning for 15 tr, and I am on maternity leave. Do I give him a gift for his money? He also loves beautiful shirts. But he chooses them exclusively for himself, because in terms of clothing he is very cunning. So that...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №109899
Today I come to the gym with my wife's sister, and everyone I know holds my hand with the words: "man!", "beautiful", "cruet" and so on. I’m not going to dispel myths, let them envy :)
To betray what a feat and how respectworthy and jealous behavior is to betray a wife.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109898
I congratulated my colleague with DR, how do you think the message "FIRST" by SMS at 00:01 is enough? )

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109897
CTpaHHoe: In your city at 3 p.m. you can find a prostitute, drugs, the meaning of life. but not the rj-45 connector and not the SC-32 battery

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №109896
XHH: In connection with the increasing number of cases of compliance with the law, I don’t even know how to offer bribery to the Haishnikovs.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №109895
I am sitting here, as always in the morning, thinking that this job has borne me. I open the mail, and I am in the banner area right away: you will appreciate the benefits of working at McDonald's!!!! I think I have a normal job.)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109894
In the anti-world near the entrances, young girls sit on the benches and call the old prostitutes who pass by.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №109893
did not sleep. I am cheerful, cheerful, a man cries his nose and falls asleep on the table.
You look like you’ve been paying marriage debts all night.
You look like you are not.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109892
Lastalayka: Once reading Lukyanenko’s Labyrinth of Reflections, in the morning, the demand turned on the electric plate and, looking at the red circle of the conformity, thought: the graphics are shit. They could not even paint the fire normally!"

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №109891
My colleague has been in our organization for 10 years. It was built under the first husband's surname. During the time of work, she divorced, returned the girl's surname, recently married a second time and again changes the surname. In the documents, which, as it turned out, were not very accurately conducted, with her surname in the documents a catavasia is created - the same Olga in different places appears under three different names. Given that a colleague is a financially responsible person, this creates problems.

Headbuch after the correction of the next cushion (dark):

– Olya, if this marriage is not forever, I will suffocate you with my hands!

What do you know about the family guard?

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №109890
I go in the electric car, in a tambour, there is a guy of pancrokers' kind with a pitch. Suddenly the Brigadier begins to scream: Why did I, why did I love an idiot?!" The guy raises the phone and gently says: "Yes, dear?"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №109889
Have you watched Leviathan?

Pasha: Not yet

Tatiana: Let’s see?

Paola: Let’s go

Tatiana: well in the sense now) you are at home with me) and then share the impressions

Sorry, do you have sex too?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №109888
It seems to me that half of my ass is like a cyclotron’s duant.
I haven’t seen the cyclone so often. But the carpet in the train sort is exactly like a graphene sheet. Black and of six angles.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109887
Comment from the HUBR on the new project:

xxx: Let them make them the size of 1U - you can process the old server stands into huge wool! Or under the size of popular blades, so that the stand does not have to turn on the side. Then organize major beekeepers, ensure proper ventilation and build the world’s first beekeeping center... What’s fun is that the noise will be the same. In local realities, beekeeping centers should be built next to data centers, there will be an interesting symbiosis. People in masks to remove equipment? We press the big red button "drop the bees" and go to shoot a new hit for YouTube.

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №109886
Q: Do you know that my wife's sister was involved with me in the workout?
WOW : well. I know, and what?
The man wants to find him there. It looks like a beautiful girl, slim, smart, but no one meets. I’m afraid of it, and really everything around me is trembling. Fuck who finds it. But the point is not that.
xxxh: I went here with my wife to shopping, and I met a guy from the gym there. Not to say they are familiar. So, a few words overlap... and here we go, meaning we look at the son’s gift. I see the guy looking at me. He waited until his wife went away and said, “Your wife?” Yes I say. and what? Do you say you don’t go to training with her?
A: I didn’t have time to answer. while laughed, the wife approached, and he retired... and here today I come to the gym with my wife’s sister, and everyone I know holds my hand with the words: "man!", "beautiful", "crazy" and so on. I’m not going to dispel myths, let them envy :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109885
I apologize for raising an old quote.

2007-04-14 <olesya> fuck, I'm going to shut up. Here someone in the hallway hung a list for medical examination with the years of birth, so the women were all angry.

Currently, medical examination is underway and some studies on medical examination for women are tied to certain days of the cycle.
so the chief was seriously concerned about hanging out for general familiarization with the schedule of medical examinations taking into account (yes-yes!) When a woman has a day...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109884
I sit with a girl and watch a movie.
Do you want to make me tea?
She: (thinkingly looking at me) A, you know... I don’t want to.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna