— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №109523
Beware of:

He distanced himself and did not allow him to get closer: "It is not possible. You are young, you can meet your true love!"
Yes, I am young. Only 31 are divorced. How do I tell him I want to be with him? If he never told me "you"?

You are not together yet, and he has already turned you off. How about the classic "the less a woman we love..."? He, and it is he who turned the situation so that you are ready to pursue him, whatever it costs, although if you think, such a layout humiliates a woman (and a man in the opposite situation). If he is really decent, but does not want to be with you, he would disappear from your life at your first hint on the relationship - so as not to hurt you even more. So he plays with you as a cat-mouse, and when he finally agrees to respond with reciprocity, you will go crazy of happiness. But it will not last long, because he will start wiping off your legs like a true manipulator. You’ll forget your mom and dad, friends and hobbies, and you’ll dance around each of his lusts. Until you get to the bottom (per after spending many years on it), and getting out of this emotional captivity, you will understand his ex-wives. Run now before it is too late.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №109522
How we are behind Japan in development. There are 719 Pokémon species.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №109521
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It’s hard to throw cigarettes out the window. % of
Cucumbers are one of the most environmentally friendly types of garbage. What can you say about bags, banks, etc., which are not just falling out of the windows of transportation.
The cucumbers that flew out of the window are ‘ecological’ until the untouched falls on your bacon or flies into the eye. The latter, in case of being thrown out of the window of transport, is very even likely.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109520
Some street singers have such voices that they don’t want to give them money, but to take what they have.

There are two types of street singers: one gives money to sing, the other gives money to silence.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №109519
Another narcissist, trying to catch up, sends me his photo in a motorcycle combine with a broken jacket and on his naked body.
I: Yes, yes... all the motorcycles are beautiful.
Narcissism: Yes, but not all guys
I : Yes
I: not all
I am XD

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109518
Peter is not as terrible as his mother. I got one too. Like nothing boy, only terribly insecure in himself, although the height and appearance, everything was quite okay. But Mom! The first question she asked me immediately after dating: "Did you have sex with men?" I need it to be uncorrupted!" I was dismantled by such a rust, it didn’t hold me back... But if it kept back, it’s uninteresting, would it hold the candle and control the process?

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109517
I am in the same bed with a girl. There is no sex, justified by the fact that today "I am not ready". The girl offered to meet, she offered to stay overnight. I only know the girl for a few hours. The feeling that she didn’t have a foolish place to spend the night...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109516
I bought a baby bath kit, and there is a shampoo in a bottle in the form of ready Iron Man. Now, while swimming, I feel like Tony Stark is watching me. Uncomfortable somehow.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109515
I work in the office. Suddenly breaks out of the server, the mailbox - does not open, everything starts to work badly. Writing to Siddhartha:
I: I have a server and the mail is not working.
ADMIN: In general, it is not good today.
I: In my office?
A: In the world at all
I am an apocalypse?
A: I hope

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №109514
A strange thing. Just those men, whom the family does not give to eat or drink an extra glass earlier and die. Per not quite healthy food + alcohol without brain loss extend life?
and anek.
You say you are married?
Yes, I got married...
Was he married?
I didn’t really like eating in the factory dining room.
And now?
Now I like...

[ + 45 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109513
Cobson said he would not be able to travel to England and Spain with his children because of sanctions.

Children of patriotism.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №109512
One of the manifestations of the law of wickedness is that pins are baked longer than they are eaten.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №109511
How they broke!
On our non-freezing on the occasion of the mild winter river winters a huge number of ducks. This is huge! They get stuck in the water, wander and sit on the shores. They do not have to go hungry - pancakes, crustaceans, cakes and other snacks come well from walking citizens, especially on weekends.
The story happened on the first working day of this year, when the people went to work and I went on my daily walk.
As I approached the stream, I caught an unusual movement. All this dirty mass of the crowd and, I must say, at a decent speed, went to me. The ducks left the water, got up on the shore and went, and went to me. To say that it was terrible, is to say nothing - empty forests on the occasion of a working day and a regiment of birds approaching!
The secret was simple. Having accustomed for almost two weekends to daily abundant feeding, the morning of January 12 the ducks spent in confusion - no one came and did not feed them. I was probably the first person to go out in the woods that day.
Unfortunately, I didn’t even find a dried crust in my pockets, and I passed through these dissatisfied creatures with great caution.
I remembered Hitchcock all day.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №109510
In a marriage agency, the manager offers the client:

This is a good candidacy. Man, 38 years old, height 184 cm, weight 85 kg, brunette.

– Oh! Interesting is!

He does not smoke. Master of Sports in Swimming.

A great option!

Your business: factory, car service, gas network. A house outside the city, a house on the sea, two cars, a yacht...

Just a charm!

For his fun, he plays dances.

Let’s make the next.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №109509
Is the cat afraid of the dust?
I don’t know, he’s only been there since October.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №109508
What about the cool frighteners, as the grandmother pulled used condoms out of the boiler and, without scratching, extracted the content? Well, in general, if the grandmother hit the head to give birth, she will give birth. No matter from whom, then they send that contraception did not work, the moon is there in the third house. and all.
There are, of course, radical methods, but against female stupidity they are all powerless.

Well, you don't want to choose smart, let the fool, the main thing is that the breasts are bigger, and gave it right on the first date.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109507
Parents in exchange for the old "brick" finally bought something more modern. The development of the new phones began with the fact that they both put the same melody on me - You're in the army now. They sit and chick. Fuck, Mom, Dad, I know you both wanted a boy, not a girl.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №109506
We will bring purity and harmony into the world, and He will swim with us in beauty. Here women dance, there horses run. Believe me, we know the way to the dream. Everything will be done quickly and smoothly... Yes, it’s not touching – it’s charged.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №109505

— — — —
"In ancient Russian there were 4 past times.----This is known by ALL humanitaries, starting with first-class students"
– – – –

You, little child, when you finish the first course, you may make a discovery for yourself: there are many humanitaries, in addition to the philologists-Rusists, Slavists and even with them. Well, and captivating "philochins" like you.

Humanitarian-Orientalist, seven languages, the grammar of ancient Russian did not learn and I am not going to.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109504
I boiled the pellets here, all the pellets were scattered across the edges of the pot, forming a flat circle, and one began to spin in the center. I called him "The King of the Disco".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna