— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №109483
Fuck, I thought it only happens in internet stories!

My husband and I went to the train station for train tickets (you can also buy on the internet, of course, but we went to the train station nearby, decided to walk). Stand in line. Here someone called my husband, he went out to talk, and I stayed in line.

A man of indefinite ages appears, turns the turn of his gaze and decides that I (little, fragile and at the same time significantly younger than most uncles and aunts in turn) - a weak link. He enters the line in front of me, in an attempt to get upset, he begins to bull, that he, say, such as me, for breakfast eats, shakes like a stroke - I will fly away and in general. Everyone is on the line and pretends that nothing is happening. The husband (the big unbarred uncle), hearing that I am offended, comes back and doesn’t even have time to say anything, just looks expressively. Uncle with the words "Oh, sorry!" retires while trying to portray the knicksen. Immediately, as if by the maneuvering of the stick, the row comes to life and begins to condemn the uncle with the choir (which burzhi, you go, to the fragile girl, a fool!) is

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №109482
Promise an antique atmosphere.
Sparta is whispering and pinning me out of bed!!!! to

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №109481
The practice of biologists could be called "The Mouse Out"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №109480
When you call on people to humanity, you simply invite them to the table.

c) Tuhani

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109479
Spring is near, I tell you.

I go from home to the subway, I do no harm to anyone, suddenly an uncle of the most ordinary kind approaches me (in the sense, neither a drunken nor a drunken is like) and asks:

Are you not a doctor by chance?

A little overwhelmed by such an unexpected question at half eight in the morning (moreover, I am not a doctor by chance, but quite intentionally), I answer:

and no.

The uncle declares: “Well, you would go!” and joyfully departs, leaving us alone with cognitive dissonance...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №109478
Hello, my name is Elena, do you have 2 minutes to answer a few questions?
Let us admit. Ask me.
What is your name?
Abdymelbek Mavdalbeibiebev
- So here is Abnabdablek...shut up until goodbye.

Lena, I hope I didn’t tell you the working day code? With respect, Dmitry

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109477
Zeka-vasch - Three MPs with smoothing boards entered the bus. The rest is boring.
can eugenepiskunov surfers?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №109476
Do you carry the armored door or pull it?
==== is
I will get it and write down: wearing or dragging is not my job.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109475
I watched some wonderful Italian movie, where the same situation is shown by the eyes of the wife, and the eyes of the husband.
Two completely different stories.)
— — — —
Name in the studio.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №109474
Dear wives, if you are tired of cooking your husband’s borsche, make him a beer or a barbecue. He will like it more.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №109473
From the news tape: The deceased pensioner revived from the greed of the funeral agents

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №109472
They also lead a vicious way of life.
A vicious way of life? I was very interested. What does it mean?
I do not know exactly. Probably climbing other people’s gardens and drinking beer.

(c) T. Jansson, Memories of the Mummy Troll, 1968

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109471
You know, my dear ones, in the last couple of days I have read a lot of nonsense about the "marry-do not marry", "living together-living alone", and wanted to say... You, fucking, is it serious? Honestly, they broke up a kindergarten. Yes, all people are different, everyone has their own needs, somebody is satisfied with life alone, somebody can't imagine themselves without a "half", and somebody in general is "wrong", I can't understand only one thing, what kind of evil do you rely on trying to impose your point of view? Every man has already chosen his position, do you think his hysterics will turn him into his "faith"?
Reading this is fun, but at least occasionally think before you write another “truth of the century.”
Love, whatever it may be :)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №109470
Machined on
Down button, down button
to throw out, and back into none... almost died on
and frost.
— — —
In the traffic jams to throw out... in the open window of the car... so we live. Sorry for my French.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №109469
and Lifenews:
Barnaulets stuck in a ventilation mine when used for the smell of borst

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №109468
From Picaboo:
I remembered a childhood story. Driving a family in a similar work of engineering art, it suddenly stunned. The driver, of course, mocking, got out of the cabin, got some shit for the car factory, like in the old films, and began to crazyly try to revive the poor little bus. To say that the car was walking on the sidewalk - nothing to say. In my opinion, the old sprinkle bed under the starving newlyweds is not able to produce such a repertoire of sounds with such amplitudes of oscillation as the driver pulled out of the innermost of this unfortunate machine... My next phrase was: “Mom, now we will fly?”

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109467
The Observation :

Some street singers have such voices that they don’t want to give them money, but to take what they have.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №109466
By the way.
Before Count Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy did not squeeze slightly on the subject of morality and his own greatness, he was a perfectly normal and our spirit man.
Turgeneva threw him out of the window from the second floor of the restaurant.

c) Leaked

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109465
France was captured in 44 days.
The USSR, the same in area, but protected by the power of the entire USSR - in 60 days.
— — —
Probably not on time.
Claims to the French of such a plan that Paris was surrendered without a single shot.
How many Germans gathered under Pavlov’s house, and how many under Paris?
So here, under Paris - zero whole, a tenth.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109464
How is it?
- Spanish
Is it how?
by Huevo

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna