— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №124218
I call the employer on the mobile. Answer to:
- I am on the motorcycle behind the wheel... badly heard, very scary... I will call again!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124217
Anti-dolls for yeast in batch:
1st I’m the same girlfriend and I’m fine. Cinderella is a fool, it will crumble, but in parallel, the soup will sweat instead of me, and my dress will save if I forget about it, and the toilet after the poops of my friends will wash.
2nd And I’m the same brother and I didn’t have anything to do. Let the babies each other's brains crack at least until blue, the main thing - I come home to cleanliness and soup.
Three "I’m a maid and I’m fine at all. I live in a private house, as I am comfortable, and the daughter, since she is mature enough for her husband, is mature enough and does not live with me.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №124216
Drunken rehabilitators in Minnesota. There are a lot of lovers of drinking here (mostly Germans). All convicts are undergoing "course on the harm of drinking". The ratio to the course corresponds:"If it wasn’t for the judge’s sentence, I would be sitting in the bar".
Recently joined a boy ~23-25 years old (second riding drunk). In his first classes, he said that he was looking for a job that contributed to society and developed its potential. I was pleased two weeks ago. "I found", says - "I made a bartender". After that he disappeared and did not appear again.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №124215
Have you tried my sutra brownie?

I could not
Could we remove him?
I cut a piece and couldn’t go further.
I did not execute you, Suarez.
But this cake can only be used for engineering purposes.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124214
Talk about pregnancy provides:
X: Technically, the fetus is a parasite, and pregnancy is a disease.
The parasite and the host cannot belong to the same species. by definition.
Z: A neighbor Aleutina disagrees with you, who on the third day mocked the elevated tones of son Vlkuk: "Again, the parasite, the pair brought!" :)))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №124213
by Alexander Burakov:

I went to a granite wine store. Well, I think I will enjoy paradise enjoyment from the exotic taste, pleasant aroma and light tropical tolerance.
The smell of the washing powder alerted me at once, but I removed it by deciding that the proletarian rude nose, which grew up in the middle of the Perm factory tubes, was not meant to capture the subtle game of fruit shades. The color also did not inspire confidence, but I wrote it down to the fact that the winery chose the most ripe harvest (last year) for wine. Taste put a confident spot in these searches, mercilessly cutting off the career of the beginner Ural sommelier at its very origin. In short, a decil of sugar was added to manganese, bottled with water from underneath the crane, plunged the primrose and squeezed a picture from the Internet printed on a thin bottle on a jet printer. A good thing. In the summer, I will be treating the frogs in the yard.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №124212
A four-storey house in Berlin collapsed. A Syrian family living on the first floor was killed, a Libyan family living on the second floor was killed, a Somali family living on the third floor was killed, not only a German family living on the fourth floor was killed. The plot in all the news, the tolerants immediately resort, everywhere screams: "Why the Muslims, the blacks, and the whites - not killed?!" One of the firefighters responds in an interview: "Because a German family was at work."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №124211
I walked with a friend through the underground passage. As is often the case, in the transition a guy played guitar. It was cold and I was lazy to get my hands out of my pockets, look for money in my wallet and decided to go by, but the road was flanked by a girl with a hat in her hands. She smiled and danced a little. Here I decided not to let go and give money to the guitarist. And as soon as I threw the money into the hat, the guy saw it, stopped playing and shouted, “Oh shit, I didn’t understand!” The girl quickly turned her hat with my unfortunate money and walked out of the transition. At first I didn’t understand anything, but then it came to me that she had nothing to do with him. Oh, how much she was there before, and how many guitarists have not seen people like me, but there was only one thought in my head... And you are good... very good...

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124210
My husband has a new employee named Samec. If he marries, his wife will also be a male or female.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124209
Aniramka: fuck my cousin's sister asked to return 12 hryvnia for two used during sexual intercourse condoms :)

Nymun: Interesting, but can you think of even worse?

Ricky Hirikiki: Need money for condoms not after sex, but before it?

Nymun: No, well, of course, I asked the question, so that’s my own fault... But fucking... This must be, hell, a self-confident man...

[ + 14 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124208
x: *box where half the code is in English, half in German*
X – L – Love
x – L – Beliebtheit
and EM
Y: That’s how I understood the permafrost in the dojo.
What about the rest in England?
x: there 50:50
Y: and why?
X: Because someone is gay.
The code is written in English all over the world.
But the Germans are too Aryan for such a shit.
and God)
y is five)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №124207
The harsh Mariupol border guards are harsh. "...We somehow checked on the service if the hunter is afraid of his naked ass... We found out – he is afraid."

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №124206
All requirements for passwords are found on the websites. Somewhere through the fingers. My bank allows a password with a length of 5 characters. Somewhere they watch. The site requires a minimum of 10 characters digital password with at least two head letters and two digits.
Do criminals steal rubbish? Or are customers paying?

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124205
The Birth of a Shark. The egg? What? what? that. The sharks don’t bother anyone. Or is there a lot of sarcasm that I didn’t notice?

Wow: There was a reason to broaden your horizons that you didn’t notice.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124204
We have no problems with freedom of speech. There are problems with freedom after speech.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №124203
What do you know about professionals?
I was told by a hairdresser I knew that a master named Said came to cut his scissors. This master wraps in different areas and makes raids to hairdressers. After that, the knives stopped cutting normally.
The hairdresser has nothing to do - takes the sealed scissors and goes to Voronezh (200 km). This is shown to a verified master. He looks at the scissors and says only one phrase:
Oh that said. And the marriage.

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124202
I live on the third floor. A few days in a row I leave the apartment at the same time with the neighbors.
The first day. I go out, neighbors are already sitting in the elevator. They offer to go with them. Thanks, I go down on foot. I wait for a few seconds for the neighbors, holding them at the entrance door.
The second day. The neighbors are waiting for the elevator. Judging by the sound, the elevator is nearby. I leave the house, get into the car and leave before the neighbors leave the house.
The third day. Neighbors do not call the elevator, they go down with me.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №124201
What is an Indy Studio?
XXX for analphabets
xxx = = =
yyy: This is when three hipsters take a macbook and smog, move the forms into unity and try to raise money on a kickstarter for a game about the worm in space.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124200
A week ago I read the "wine card" and among cocktails highlighted the low price "sex on the beach", on the question why "sex on the beach" costs only 200 rubles, a brilliant answer from the waitress was given: "well, it's not the season!"

P.S "sex on the beach" is a screwdriver with orange and peach juice - for the lovers of... vodka...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №124199
How did they get the self-deniers who consider men to be infants! Wives and mothers regularly emerge, now also the sister Alenushka! Your brother is an adult man, so it is enough to educate him and:
1) Stop performing the function of the general cleaner. Do you maintain cleanliness? The young man.
Prepare for yourself separately. If your brother does not take care of how his wife feeds him, they and their wife will solve the matter BOTH.
3) Wash in turn. Take care of your things, not someone else’s clothes. Judging by the passage of unpaid debts, you have different budgets with your brother. His money is his choice, whether to spend it on his wife’s dress and plushes. Don't satisfy his spending - don't give him your money (in a difficult situation you can provide foods and necessary things, if he is already on the pitch), and you don't need to educate him. If the request of his wife creates him a problem, let him again deal with his wife.

Most likely, the brother does not see the problem precisely because you break your head and throw everything behind his wife to clean up. The inconvenience is only for you.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna