— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №25833
The Kaliningrad Drug Control Rethinked to Buy "Cadillac"

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №25832
In my entrance there is an apartment, which was loved by the biddle-meloman company, who loves to listen to the popcorn at night. Covenants, talks, threats and disagreements did not produce the proper effect. I had to connect the fantasy and this is what was born in my inflamed mind.
I took a black marker, a sheet of A4 and put on about this text on behalf of Bydlo-Melomanov:
"The houses are on the ground floor. Sasha and Zhenya live in apartment number 4. We loudly turn on the music of the patamucht, we are pidders and when we are friendly, we loudly chant. Pick us and forgive us. We are not as simple as everyone else. Zhenya and Sasha apartment 4"
Smashed a leaflet of soul with glue and glued it on the entrance door at night.

[ + 82 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25831
I just walked in and read the announcement:
"Who spares the wall with the payment data sheet - return to the place of SUKA!!! to
Have you lost your conscience?
With respect, JillAdmin"
Below are 3 comments written by pen:
+ one
+ the stop!
and apple


[ + 90 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25830
For the motorists (OK)
1st Stop using the rear anti-nebulizers. First, in the city, this is generally prohibited, including the instructions for the operation of the car. Secondly, try standing 5-7 meters behind your car with anti-nebulizers on, then collect the leaked eyes in the bowl and go to yuh. (I note that the ladies including the front PT include the rear - correct)
2nd Tired riders with far-light more than with gay-xenon. And nearby light is not enabled at all - it is wild at all. Or the lanterns are dirty - the nearest is not visible, the fool - you can turn on the distant - scream that the eyes flow from everyone around, including pedestrians.
Even the guides, which on the track include not nearby lights, as written in the rules, but dimensional lights. First, gabarit lights are called Gabarit - show the dimensions of the car, and a standing car. On the day that you turned on the dimensions that is not - more noticeable it never becomes, especially in the dark, when the driver thinks that turned on the dimensions of the type of it is now visible, and the naked neighbor, I still see, but you are not visible if anything.
And remember: the orange indicator on the panel - for example, the rear nebula lamp is something to pay special attention to, as well as the blue far-light indicator, and especially the red indicator. In the normal driving mode, all indicators should be green (dimensions, near, etc.)
The right people sign up.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №25829
xxx: And also how it happened that no one anniversary in his life not quite noted :((( For 10 years was in the hospital with a broken arm. 20 years in the army was celebrated with milk and bread. For 30 years, my wife and I fought and went to drink with a friend... And when I turned 40, our menta offices were rushed and we were all taken to the catalogue. Well-known but other champagne mints brought into the chamber. We were released only 31 at eight in the evening :(( I'm looking forward to the half-time :)))

[ + 63 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25828
Ljubljana, 10.02.2010 8:54:05
I donated the blood of the boy today. So great!

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №25827
Justice is when everyone gets equal, and you get a little more.

[ + 85 - ] [7 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25826
I want spring! Walk without a hat and sometimes even in a T-shirt, look at the green vegetation, melt on dry and sometimes even warm enough asphalt, talk about spring and want summer sweat, drink beer on the street and burst that is not cold enough, sometimes even use the air conditioner in the car, do not dry your hair with a dryer before going out, picnics, baby on big boats and rolls, open the bathing season, pack winter things and hide them until November in the closet, instead of non-freezing fluid in the glass washers - simple water, constantly open forts, avitamnosis, in the end! I want spring!! to
(c) I don’t know who, but very close 😉

[ + 65 - ] [7 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25825
I am sure that all countries in the world are looking forward to the next elections in Ukraine. They stock up popcorn and with greed catch every news... Such a clown parade is nowhere else to see :-)))

[ + 62 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25824
4-year-old girl in a row, in the store canyut mom to buy her chocolate and the next mommy is NOT, says: Then I am now!! to

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №25823
Alexander: If we were chemists... we would produce heroin and we’t know the problems.
by Vladislav: Aha They would sit in the same room and think about how good it would be to be physicists.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №25822
I’m in February, like a winter fly on the window...and take off hunting, and my ass is heavy.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №25821
Information about birds:
The green thistle releases a loud whispering cry of “clay-clay-clay” or a gradually quieting “gluc-gluc-gluc-gluc”. It almost never knocks out the trellis and rarely grabs the trunk of trees.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №25820
The announcement:
The shop requires an environmental specialist (cleaning worker)

[ + 97 - ] [8 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25819
Here you are all complaining about the girls that they are such a crazy nits, get you in full. I am normal, from your point of view, a girl, I can hold the siege while the sweet beer is melting, and eat to cook, and pick up the drunk PM from the corporate, instead of flowers, I welcome a practical kilogram of meat, instead of a shovel, paid CASCO, beer with friends, no question, just snack well. And that in the end they say to me that I am unfeminine, unromantic, not a princess in general.
What else do you need shit?? to
The cry of the soul

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №25818
German gang rapper Xatar, declared in international search for a daring robbery of incassors in Ludwigsburg, escaped persecutors in Moscow. According to some reports, the perpetrator stole gold worth EUR 1.8 million. He contacted his friends complaining about the high prices in the Russian capital.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №25817
Are you talking about coming to Eurovision?
- Ah, I recently watched her clip on the Garden, the victory is guaranteed.

[ + 48 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25816
Artem: I wrote you before... and you ignored me... hunk hunk
I didn’t love you then, but I love you now 😉
Tagged with: Angel
Artem: o ple) well, at least someone.. let's not a sympathetic lady, but a guy with a hairy leg, but it's still nice :)
You haven’t seen my ass yet.)
Monkey: Still standing
Manki: mmmm seen))
Damn you saw it.
It’s strange when your legs are just hairy :D
Do not show this mail to anyone.

[ + 77 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25815
My mother works in a pharmacy. Sometimes very naive people come.
Hi, please give me a laxative.
Mom gives, breaks the check... And here’s the question in the head:
- And laxative - is it you drink, lose weight and sleep?

[ + 56 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25814
What are you breathing? You have sex! It will soon!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna