— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109223
I have a problem with the scanner.

You don’t have any problems with the scanner. You do not have a scanner.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №109222
Reviews of the Market of Dreams
Advantages: The price of metal. It is good to ride from the mountain.
Disadvantages: They are not there.
Smooth heating regulation, a thermometer on the glass, a spacious stove, a timer, a grill, simplicity and convenience of operation - all of the above you will not find in this plate. It is manufactured by the Zlatoustovsk branch of the machinery plant in Mordor or departs from the carrier of AutovAZ. Magnificent design inspired by the novels of Stephen King and the paintings of Malevich. Buying this unit, you buy a sea of adventure, an inexhaustible source of loops and the opportunity to fight for bread urgent. Zlatoustov metalworkers, famous for their steel, were able to create a metal of unique thinness, almost transparency, specifically for this plate. The numbers from 50 to 300 are most likely (not proven) used to regulate the frequency at which this wanderwaffle sends signals to an alien mind with a request to interrupt its dim existence. In general, a beautiful, incomprehensible and a little strange (like any avant-garde) stuff of an incomprehensible purpose. Do not hesitate to buy. In an extreme case, it will be useful to scare disobedient children.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №109221
to this:

to this:
I am not a selenium in games because I spend a lot of time on the robot.

Not Selene... Molybdenum, right?
– – – –
Well, if he spends a lot of time on the robot, then he is probably iron oxide.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109220
Not about shit, but:
+ and +
So remember, sweet ladies, if you...
Remember, if a man...
+ and +

When I see some posts in which words like “remember!”", “learn to play!”", “go to learn!”" and so on, I realize that this is another dull shit of “learners-learners”" and I read only to shake their self-awareness.

How do you know where the north is and where the south is?
- Very simple: Olka - the north, palm - the south.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №109219
The phenomenon of his human and creative longevity Vladimir Zeldin explains simply. “I know for sure,” he says, “if God saves me, then I haven’t done everything yet.” And on the occasion of the best gift to the century anniversary, he said: "At 100 years, the most expensive reward is life."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №109218
What do they all wear with these shades of grey? Like schoolchildren who saw porn for the first time, honest word.
The Grand Hotel Budapest is an imho super movie. I would give Oscar.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109217
The phone ringed, the son took off the phone (4 years old), and there again they offer to change the internet provider, which the son responds that he is ready to change if he is brought a green candy... aunt for some reason hanged the phone (smiley)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109216
- When ordering a strip of alligator from us, we can apply your initials absolutely free of charge
I want to give my wife a strap, not need initials.
But you do not understand, it will be for you absolutely free.
Not to do. My wife is named Tatiana Petrova. No need for initials!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109215
Chocolate produces the hormone of joy, and many other foods. What "hormone" pleasure for you?

Yyy: Chocolate makes a lot of food????by :-0 :-0

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №109214
Who wrote the Polonese of Oginsky?
I don’t read such shit.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109213
Ivanovich: the assistant forgot the waffles on the table, at night they were found by the dinner..and I understood so I tried to put the cacao on the table with the word "Thank you", the letter "C" she didn't do the job.)))

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109212
They would discuss Dostoevsky as "50 shades"

StaZar2107: "50 shades of old lady percent", for example?

QBe: 2Shorty, Fyodor Mikhalych, envy silently!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №109211
XXX is fucking! Why does all the work happen at the same time?! to
YYY: According to the law of deceit. According to the principle of procrastination.
XXX: What is it?
yyy: it's when "naaaado, but then", and then grandfather dedline on sandals with sandals and we rip his hair on his ass to get the time

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109210
Dialogue on Facebook between a boy (M) and a girl (D)

D: I will learn Arabic
M: You will need this knowledge in harem
D: Or maybe farce is better?
M: Do you think there are other harems in Iran?
D or Turkish?
M: See also and above. They may have abolished harems, but they are secular.
D: You lived in Germany, maybe you still have German textbooks?
M: Strange, but what, without knowledge of German to teach Arabic is not given?
D: They give, just when you scream German words in the harem is much cooler.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109209
What a husband earns is common, and what a wife earns is her. How to survive?

Isatya: Rejoice that everything her husband earns is not her.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109208
Why are we all on February 14th? Yes, you need to love each other every day, but why not use this day as an occasion for small surprises, confessions? My husband and I are home neighbors, but in honor of the holiday there is a chance to go somewhere for a walk. And maybe the beach will be more festive on this day. And if they walk smiling couples, what’s wrong?
Is lonely offensive? And you can imagine how offensive it is for childless women when on March 8 children lay their mothers cards? How sad is it to stay alone for the New Year, if you want to sit with a large friendly family, next to the tree, and underneath it children ride with new dolls and a steam car? So don’t give up so much bile on 14 February. Let it be celebrated by lovers, on March 8 will congratulate women, on February 23 men, and the rest will not comment on someone's holiday with jealousy and envy, disguised as "I don't need it." With this rejection of other people's holidays, Muslims are trying to ban the New Year's tree, what do we do?

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109207
NickKolok: I stand on the asphalt,
NickKolok: in ski clothes.
NickKolok: Do the skies not go?
NickKolok: Am I not under the root?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109206
Armed with an ambulance and a sequel, for example.
This is very important....
Is it to measure the speed of urination?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109205
And we have a colleague, with the sound of whose voice, I want to turn on the fumitox :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109204
I will try to make a joke in response to:

The question is, who won the first World Cup in Russia, and also unconditionally?

Who is the USSR?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna