— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109183
xxx: They would better open a site where this food can be ordered with delivery throughout Russia. I think once in space she flies, then the mailing of Russia would survive.
Do not make hasty conclusions!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №109182
I read the headline of the news "Niger may send troops to fight Islamists".
What kind of Niger is this? What is Obama?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №109181
The team developed 10 bodies, of which one was a girl (for fairness it is necessary to say what is in the board). A companion who saw me on the screenshot of a half-naked girl told me:
"There is no place for women at work!"
Timlide (the other troll): "Gathered and went out!"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109180
The most popular game in the Heroes series is back – now in high resolution!"

Astrologers have announced the release of Heroes 3 for tablets. The battery life of tablets has decreased by half.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109179
There is such an animal.
In response to this.

and once. Thalia, like the vast majority of living beings, is wonderfully able to process sugar itself and with the help of a parasite, and more so does not need a system of two parasites. They, of course, are, but they eat the absorbed slice of sugar for their pleasure, interfering with the insect itself.
and two. Very rarely anyone manages to steal the genes of their virus. Here everything is simpler: the virus simply does not form the capsid, a shell that allows it to travel between the cells, which is used to us in the pictures of anti-cold drugs advertising, but it is fun and intrusively embedded in the host's genome and is perfectly present there. By the way, we also have such genomic parasites. Except in the background, this virus really helps fight rider larvae.
and three. There are substances carotene - an orange pigment in plants and fungi, and keratin - a protein component of horns, nails and hair. Neither of them performs photosynthesis, although carotene helps in photosynthetic processes, protecting chlorophyll from breakdown. So our poor and unfortunate fox is still not able to photosynthesize, but can eat sugar itself and crazyly quickly and qualitatively reproduce without the participation of males. But this is a completely different story.
With love, your parasitist.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №109178
<kekal> Our tourist instructors looked like they could hide behind the shovel, and then they seem to turn into a shovel with a huge backpack and just go ahead, and you lie.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109177
Daria: I don’t quite understand your allegories.
I don’t understand the word allegory 😉

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №109176
Professor Preobražensky is a troll. How qualitatively he trolled Swander and the company!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109175
Prepod comes out of the audience after the exam and so loudly and thoughtfully cries under his nose: "Old, probably. The fifth is..."

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109174
here here :
— — — —
This is:
I bought a ticket to the movie, unexpected.
In front of the row stands a stunned grandmother, who is long over 50 and asks the cashier when the show of 50 shades of grey will begin. the cashier has not had time to open his mouth, as the row of a man of seven as in the order replied: "Twelfth." The grandmother thanked and joyfully fled.
– – – – –
The Grandmother! 50 years! Grandma is fucking!! to
– – – – –
If a 10-18-year-old writes, then it’s all right, he thinks so.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109173
The worst thing is that this is
In order to preserve the child’s psyche, Mizulina wants to ban children from being born through the vagina.
It is possible (with Caesarean) So stay silent, don’t give her any ideas!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109172
9 February 2015 10:54
Evgeny Teftelev: the smog in Chelyabinsk – the result of the change of the wind rose

It is enough to remove just one double...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №109171
The xxx:
I cut carrots yesterday and took them to work. Heavily cut my finger ( Some unhealthy "healthy food" gets...
No, that’s just your subconscious so meat needs x)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №109170
He knows how to speak Japanese!

Memento_mori with whom?

[ + 19 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109169
and nonhistoric:
by Michael Koffman:
The main thing for the United States and Germany is not to engage in this war with Russia. A war with Russia on the border with Russia is almost impossible to win. It is absurd. No one in history has won a war with Russia on its border!

I did not understand something. When and who won the war with Russia?

In the middle - Mongols, Turks, Prussians, Japanese, Finns. Listing them all?
Who won the "Cold War"?
Another issue is that the winnings were mostly local and Russia then usually (but not always) played off. Sometimes almost immediately, sometimes three hundred years later.
For a literate patriot, it would be good to know your history.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №109168
Irka: I saw very sticky circles in the form of hearts, and stickers on the phone, there are mice with hearts, and you can also buy two identical shirts with hearts, I don't know what to choose. What will you give each other?
Bebelko: The Cardinal Val..
The Poor Woman What Do Idiots Do

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №109167
DerArto: After the release of the film The Great Gatsby, the whole world was overwhelmed with themed parties in this style. Now there are 50 shades of grey... World, shit, don’t think about it!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №109166
Stop dividing everyone into technicians and humanitarian! First, the accountants and such people are never humanitarian, but economists, plus there are at least doctors and people of creative professions.
And yes, everyone has to do their business.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109165
Q: What annoys you most in bed?
M: What needs to be controlled

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №109164
There are two boys and a girl in front of me. and slide. One guy says to another: "Take the bridegroom by the hand, so that she doesn't get stuck here."
and caring.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna