— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №94963
I bought a guitar box.

Tagged: good
YYY: I bought a car.
More precisely, I am going.
I am looking for where to get the money.
YYY: but also cool

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №94962
My wife works as a teacher in a kindergarten. That is, spend about 12 hours a day with 30 three-year-olds. It is targeted specifically.
I came from work today. Then we went to our combined sauna. After 5 minutes there is a joyful laugh and a joyful scream "ONE!". I thought her loneliness for 5 minutes was so pleasant. And she turns out to be a pregnancy test because of the delay done *)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №94961
and Austin.
Everything you read is a lie.
Take it for axiom.
Hundreds of computer combat hamsters are now clicking their feet on the “mobilization” of millions, having 0 pushes from the floor and 0 pulls on the fence, but with the experience of daily tank battles.
Take care of your brain.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №94960
Sunny, my heart belongs only to thee one!! to
Q: Do you rent it out???? to

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №94959
What should I do to forgive her???? to

Stir and swallow the pellets.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №94958
I didn’t plant a tree, but I planted potatoes. I did not build a house, but I built a shade, a bath, a few fences, and the roof was overcovered many times.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №94957
From FiztehRadio Twitter:

When I leave my house, I always feel like I have forgotten something, such as the Maxwell equation in integral form.

Count the integrals before sleeping. Sheep are for the weak.

A good mathematician draws his root out of the unknown every morning.

Man is made up of water! Infos about 80%

The irrationality of God is that he is not three-one, as everyone thinks, but one.

It would seem, why in subsequentity to distinguish subsequentity, but Weierstrass was no longer to stop...

I’ve always loved experiments in bed. Until the day the reactors spilled out.

Dividing by zero is like sex. It is possible, but it is forbidden for students.

A triangle is not a multiangle, but a little-angle.

The master of the department worked for fame. We put a function into your function so that you can differentiate while you differentiate.

What if the root is not removed from the discriminant?

I am sad in such cases.

This year, the scientific world will mark the 328th anniversary of the birth of physicist Fahrenheit - or, what is the same, the 165th anniversary of Celsius' birth.

In George Om’s school, it is better to study several subjects in parallel to reduce the load.

According to statistics, 75% of students know math well. I think I belong to the remaining 18%.

Beats means electricity.

Give me a point of support, a sweet-acid sauce, a little cola and a cake.

I have a PhD in mathematics, I specialized in cybernetics, but I was able to overcome these obstacles and started making money.

Pressure in one bar in one bar.

The days from the heat in summer are prolonged, and in winter from the cold are shortened.

There is no God. There are laws of physics, violating which you go to hell.

At the Olympics, the team of alchemists won gold.

Disney has purchased the rights to the landscape universe and will release three more books by 2015.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №94956
xxx: you don't have to build a hierarchy in a rock group of 4 people
XXX: It is easy.
xxx: all piddars, one I - d'Artagnan
YYY: Then we’ll find out that there’s more porous and aramis.
YYY: and P*daras only I

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №94955
For every three men driving in alcoholic drunkenness, there is only one woman.
He represented a car with the glasses that were shrouded from the fire, three men inside, each with a steering wheel in their hands. To them with the voice "Boys, move!" sits a girl with some alcoholic amber, she is also given a steering wheel with a cloth "in a flower". Men are upset "and what, only one?" The voice outside the car: -"That said, one on three!"

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №94954
And tell those good Russian-loving Western Ukrainians, what did the monuments to Kutuzov and the unknown soldier do to you? Why did you put them? Will you be lying after that?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №94953
xxx> I think tomorrow will be crazy
yyy> do you think?
xxx> ugu, shave your beard and watch the reaction of the girls at work
Yyy> Do you like to put experiments on people?
xxx> yes, I’m here for that

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №94952
xxx: Usually we work from 9-00 to 18-00, but tomorrow, by 8 March, we have a short day, we work until 17-00 but we need to come at eight :((

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №94951
The Lion in an Hour
YYY: In the hard?
XXX: Silent and polite

[ + 46 - ] [11 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №94950
to this:
Giving visas for entry into the EU to Russians is unsafe. Russo-speaking people in the country are an excuse for military aggression, - Foreign Ministry of the Czech Republic

It will be much worse if Russian-speaking people come at all without visas and without invitation, even on their transport. If you don’t believe it, ask the Germans.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №94949
In the work:
XXX: Write what you have checked and send it.
What if the coat? Will you get a hat?
HHH: Yes, it’s all normal there. I’ll give you a chocolate.
I am here for you, grandmother?
If there are no nuts, bring them.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №94948
He broke his leg for a month and a half.
The head of the department was not confused and carried the test stand to him home.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №94947
Moldovan military intercepted Obama’s conversation with Yatsenyuk.
The Romanian military intercepted the conversation of the Moldovan military.
The Hungarian military intercepted the pandas with encryption from the Romanian military.
The Austrian military is just shocked by this engine.
The Chinese military intercepted a conversation with someone. Due to the huge number of interceptors, it was not clear who exactly.
When escaping from the kitsch in a catwalk chair, Tymoshenko intercepted the kitsch more conveniently with two hands - so that it did not get into the spikes.
Russian military intercepted Turchynov’s conversation with himself.
Yatsenyuk intercepted the shaurma on the way to work. In order not to be intercepted during the escape from the country after the suppression of the coup, Тягнибок changed his surname to Vyroviglaz.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №94946
Review of the video card with preservation of spelling:
The Dignity:
A beautiful box.
The shortcomings:
Does not play music
The commentary:
The radiators struck me because I finished a quarter on a drink.I thought she was playing music and she wasn’t playing.
We gave in vain...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №94945
The words “journalist” and “moral” cannot be used in the same sentence.
YYY: It can be! Journalists have no morality. See you here? It turns out possible.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №94944
Are there Russian troops in Crimea?
and no.
Shogun answered.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna