— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №95943
XHH: It was only before that we could proudly say that we would not act like pindos but now...
WOW: Well, in general, we did not act like pindos, the referendum was held, international observers were present, nothing was bombed, nobody was killed, the prosecutor is in our house.
XHH: Oh, we are talking in accuracy feedback. As always, the truth is somewhere in the middle.
Do you agree that the prosecutor is not? What kind of people are you?

[ + 33 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95942
pay 400 rubles a day for 8 hours, that the car will spend on a paid parking lot, too, not everyone in the pocket
That’s why in many countries people have cars only to go to nature on the weekend, to the supermarket once a week, or for Christmas to their home in a neighboring city. And the city does not provide them with free parking, but perfectly functioning public transportation.
By the way, in the center of other cities 400 rubles parking costs not for 8 hours, but for one and a half or two.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №95941
xxx: you know guys, but whoever said such a phrase - because of the Maidan the course floated.....
YYY: My dog stumbled into the corner of the house, and in a few days it led the whole house. The real fault is the dog, not the builder.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №95940
What’s good about Ukraine?
Homosexuals are fighting with Homosexuals.
Is it how?
- "Right Sector" demands the resignation of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And this head, the famous pederast Avakyan, wants to ban the “Right Sector.”
And who who?...
Both are not sorry. We packed popcorn.

[ + 37 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95939
That stunning moment when you’re in the bathroom and the son at the door asks, “Mom, firefighters phone is zero one or zero two?”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95938
Which media is lying? Russian or Ukrainian fascists?

XX: Better in the form of a vote with options:
• Russian
• European
• American
• Ukrainian
• North Korean

YY: Everything is lying.

ZZ: Distribution by House

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №95937
Posts Tagged ‘Song of Ice and Fire’. by George Martin. Game of Thrones. Made in the USSR with photoshoots of Soviet actors instead of heroes. Commentary :
"Allow me to go! You are going to die!"

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №95936

xxxx: get a bag, sock
xxx and steal the tear!!! to
XXX: Right in the middle of the day!! to
In the eyes of the people!!! to
XXX: and hiding with him in an unknown direction
XXX: I didn’t even have time to do anything, I was so upset!
xxx: thought to go to the police to report the theft to write
xxx: no video, no photo
Tagged: narcissistic narcissist
XXX: an adequate person will definitely not be shit.

As long as we think so about responsible owners of animals, they will clean up their animals and will not, and everything around will be shit, and the trottoirs in the shit.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №95935
America is preparing for Easter. The cashier is apparently over 60 with a sad bulldog face. On the head, large pink rabbit ears on the edge.
How terrible to live.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95934
To the question about "in Ukraine" and "in Ukraine". We read from Taras Shevchenko in the poem "The Testament":

When I die, bury me.
in my grave,
In the midst of a wide step,
In the country of Miles...

Well, if you are not pleased with the classical Ukrainian language, then there are no more arguments.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №95933
Discussion under photo

A is
Anna, what is the secret? Without a lens? The light? And the lighting? Lighting in photography?

You are like the first time, God. The day cream Adobe Photoshop is the best remedy for everything and for everything.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №95932
Why can’t you just take a loved one home?
Does he have a cat at home?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №95931
X: I would shoot those accountants who interfere with the normal flow of business because of their competence.
Fear God, fast in the courtyard.
X: I would shoot to the post. At the beginning of the period.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №95930
During his lifetime he was attributed to the classics, but the classics said: - carry back.

[ + 45 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95929
I walk past the new FSB building.
High forged fence, top of the column, surveillance cameras - the mouse will not jump through.
In the depths of the courtyard are garbage tanks, in which the bombs are concentrated.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №95928
received a salary. The ATM issued some strange sounds... I think it was roaring.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №95927
I signed up on Facebook...Face asks – what do you think? Well, I like the military printed - I think of shit and spiders!!! After a week, the post on the page disappeared somewhere... Facebook was happy or upset?? to

[ + 48 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95926
104% of Russians believe it is normal to distort information in the media in the interests of the state when highlighting important issues. by Interfax

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №95925
This is:

to this:

Recently, the ventilation grid in the kitchen stopped working. I put a flame - there is no pull.
What am I?
I sincerely wish everyone who crashes their refrigerators into the air pipes not to stop at the achievement and crash their microwave directly into the sewage collector. They are smart, beats.

Bro, don’t go out. Write an application to the JEC about the ventilation is stuck. They come and clean up. From the roof. Gray on the rope. And if someone hit the refrigerator there, their problems.
– – – – –
The problem is that normal people change the whole brick ventilation of the type of "collard" to a modern buffer. While you get to the guilty, you uplift the completely left-handed people the pipes and probably move the giraffe through the brains of the children who have resorted to the winding (they don’t have a refrigerator at the place of ventilation, unlike our hero). On "Zadobbal" just about this "justice" recently there was a post.
Brotip: you measure the distance to the guilty with a small pinch on the measuring cord and start a slope for him. In civil cases, there is a presumption of guilt, i.e. either the innovator enters the apartment and shows that the hole has accidentally stuck and the mine is normal, or a horse fine for damaged communications (and it is really horse).

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №95924
This is a wild bean!! to
====== is
Tasks not for adults:

In the mathematics textbook for 1st grade, my child had the task:
Continue the sequence: cat - 3, donkey - 2, cock - 8, cow -?, duck -?, dog -?"

The problem could be solved only by the children who did the lessons themselves. Mothers, fathers, and grandmothers have long been outraged by the meaningless tasks. My friends, whom I gave the task, also broke the brain.
cat - 3 (miu), donkey - 2 (ia), cock - 8 (ku-ka-re-ku), cow - 2 (mu), duck - 3 (krea), dog - 3 (gaw)

and morality is simple - problems from children's textbooks let's solve to children, not to yourself, children, as a rule, this problem really solve, and adults googled... as a result, your child in a couple of years will stumble over the fingers equation, because of the problem. You get used to everything you do.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna