— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №149760
Do not shoot at kings. My brother has died.”

© V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)
advice from the outsiders.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149759
Those who go to doctors die more often than those who don’t. Doctors who really want to cure a patient can be counted on their fingers all over the world.
I will open your eyes, brother. Sick people die more often than healthy people because they are sick, not because they go to doctors.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №149758
To make the world better, the weak must be thrown down from the rock, and the strong must be thrown down by themselves.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №149757
Obviously, for some, a premature baby or a diabetic is equally inferior and expensive to them in the bioreactor. And what about those who are up-to-date, practically healthy, but just dumb, malicious and jealous shit? Giving birth to a diabetic child is not as scary as the perfect white-haired cattle, which will throw you off at the first trouble. It is a pity that the birth screening is not done.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149756
XXX: You sit and do nothing.
YYY: I got into thought.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №149755
If the mountain is coming to you, and you are not Muhammad, then hurry away from it, it is a landslide.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149754
They have won! Today I couldn’t go through the robot check...I was offered to pick pictures with bridges, then cars, then buses, and then cars again. At this point my patience broke out and I sent a robot to check that I wasn’t a robot. In short, the bright future has already arrived - the test on non-robot people to pass has become difficult.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149753
A joke, of course, but the Lord keeps the Constitution of the Russian Federation: Article 14 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation 1. The Russian Federation is a secular state. No religion can be established as a state or mandatory.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №149752
The xxx:

Would you like to tell us how we invoked ghosts?
Shortly in the night, they took a candy, put it on the mirror, lighted a candle, painted some circles... shortly, some. Well, according to the plan, after the candle was suffocated, if the ghost came, he had to bite the candle, after which the candle was lit again to see the results.

Again, the summer, the village, friends, including 2 girls and 3 boys (including me). The abandoned house. They dismantled everything, lighted a candle, read spells, swallowed the candle. While it was dark, I took and bit the candy and put it back. As soon as the friend knocked on the lighthouse, they all crashed sharply and broke to the exit. As they ran away, it seemed to me that something was popping up there, and it was as if some birds were popping up on the roof. It was a long run, probably five minutes. Then they stopped, everyone’s eyes were angry, everyone’s somewhat flattered. It turned out that they were the first grandmothers who saw the bitten candy. The boys were frightened by the cries and broke up. I was scared of all that crap myself. I didn’t tell anyone about this candy. 😉

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149751
The closed women’s community:

Two experts meet and one says:
I don’t understand what is happening at all?
The second:
I will explain everything to you.
The first:
I can explain it myself, I would understand.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149750
In the local forum on the topic of discussing electric shockers.

xxx: can anyone explain the principle of shocker work on your fingers?
On the fingers? Put your fingers in the roof, for example.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №149749
The post about the African rocks (tropical freshwater fish), to which the aquarium (on the gips) is thrown first the scorpion, then the scorpion and finally the water snake, and it is all ruthlessly displaced and fattened whole.

Gisod: The film should be about this fish, not a shark.
Gisod: Before this gif, I was more afraid of those creatures that she ate

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №149748
After training in the gym, changing clothes in the dressing room, by the edge of my ear I hear a man talking on the phone:

Hi daughter! How are you?

Okay, I am at home. You are how?

Am I well seen?

Here I fall into a stupor, turn my head and see him talking on the phone via FaceTime.

I understand, of course, the daughter is probably an adult, but we are in the men's dressing room. The man felt my gaze and several other men, quickly fled into the hall.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №149747
"The Russians are tired of the lack of wonderful Norwegian coffee"

After the Belarusian samba and Norwegian coffee will appear to be
Every time passing past the coffee plantations in the districts of Kirkines, I barely restrain myself, so that, not to catch the blade, jump out of the car and sneakyly spread a metre layer of snow, not to pick up a bag of famous Norwegian coffee.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149746
A friend of mine insulted me. She has a homeopath. He trusts him very much. On his recommendation from the cold washed the nose with all kinds of individually selected homeopathic remedies. Dear people, of course. And I was upset, because I assumed that washing with saliva would also work. And it seems that O. Henry had a story about such a pharmacist.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes "The Charity of Charity? No to Sir. There was not only water in the glasses. I added a chinine to it for two dollars and ten cents of aniline paint. Many years later, when I was passing through those places again, people asked me to give them another portion of the product.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149745

I read in the news about a couple. They really did everything wrong. Literally through my ass. I was surprised that it had to be different.

One old doctor told me about a funny incident that happened 35-40 years ago.
A couple came to him with a complaint about the absence of pregnancy within six months after the wedding. Very impressive self-confident young man from the "higher spheres" and a modest girl, a typical "tollah". I checked that they were both okay, no disturbances. And he decided to find out in more detail how it happened to them. What was discovered. The guy inserted a penis into the vagina and... all! Nothing further. No friction was done. 10 minutes to sleep.
The girl then asked, why didn’t you tell him? And he will ask, and how do you know?and "
The explanatory work the doctor carried out and even received then from a very happy guy some shortage as a thank you.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149744
My acquaintance offended me. She has a homeopath. He trusts him very much. On his recommendation from the cold washed the nose with all kinds of individually selected homeopathic remedies. Dear people, of course. And I was upset, because I assumed that washing with saliva would also work. And it seems that O. Henry had a story about such a pharmacist.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №149743
I went to this movie with my husband. very well. My rating is 10 out of 10. I recommend my husband. My husband is cool.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №149742
xxx: Do not confuse the "sook" with human nature. I had to read the blog of a guy who was taken to work as a loader in a supermarket in the United States. So, there was described absolutely our mentality in most workers: "landing" (latinos at the head of the shift from the Latinos), reluctance to work, theft and everything else that we do not like so much in the Soviet mentality.
Yyy: Such hamsters, which even a few decades later still blame the USSR, were angry with me before, and now they just smile. Something good - "Vooot, and in the Soviet era it was impossible!", something bad - "The inheritance of the sworn serpent!".

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149741
How are you?
I am very angry with my opponent in a dispute, he doesn’t understand the obvious things.
Which ones?
He is a fool.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna