— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №149660
I have 45 cm and an erection is 90. I repaired my glasses.

You are the lucky one. I have an erection - so on the forehead comes and I lose consciousness. I am a virgin.

You are both lucky. Will the Chinese satellite soon fall? I got up – I hit him.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №149659
A group of chemists. Announcement on the wall:
I sell chemicals, write in ls.
Please sell me water.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №149658
The main caliber

>>> I have no erection 180, and with an erection three meters in excess.

This is a rare case where x@i raised a man.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №149657
I visited the Pushkin Clinic.

first went to change the policy in the office 115. arrived at the end of the corridor, stumbled on the door with the sign "Safe Exit", turned.

captured the Aboriginal. He says, “You, grandmother, don’t see what: once the door is written ‘back-out’, then there is your 115 office behind it.

is logical.

In the 115th carefully studied the passport, SNILS, pass, phone, took a photo on memory policy promised to do quickly: by 10 April.

But in the event of an unexpected illness, a paper was issued (where without paper), but the paper was said to be filed in the register (from September 1, last year, the organization was banned in Russia). There is no sign of registration (prohibited in Russia). The method of deduction calculated that the nameless window where the crowd stands is the registration (a prohibited organization in Russia).

I submitted a replacement paper, and I was asked for a passport and SNILS. Something has been stuck in the computer for a long time. There is a clear belief that the clinic's computers are directly connected to the FSB.

[ + 29 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149656
Colombians are guilty

Interestingly, and someone was interested in statistics - how much have they fallen (or increased?) Sales of tobacco products
1) amplification of the font of the inscription "Ministry of Health warns"
2) Inventing phrases and frighteners "Momentally in the sea", "Nestambha", "Bue-ke-ke" and others
3) Supporting them with "terrible images"?
Is it working or is it just doing hernias on a global scale? and ;)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №149655
of modern medicine.
I had to somehow at work to grab a hand part of the Aybiemov metal body. The bleeding ground was polluted, and the reception room of the hospital is nearby, I think - nothing, I will come than to call an ambulance and wait. I come there, the corridor is empty, I look into the office - three ladies are sitting, one is writing, two others are talking. I show my hand in the blood, the other hand underneath it I hold with a hammer - so that the blood collects. I told you to sit in the hallway.
I sit. I sit for forty-seven minutes. During this time, eight times different health workers approached me with the question whether I have a passport, a policy and a sniles, and whether it is all with me, and not somewhere else. Another minute after fifteen came the lady with a swab and made the pretext that the floor was sprinkled with blood (the barrel from the hand - he, you know, is not immeasurable, through the edge has already been polished), said that it is inappropriate to sit on the bench and clean floors, but it is necessary to get away in the corner and stand, holding your hand over the urna.
In general, an hour and a half later, the surgeon came, led to some warehouse to sew a hand. And she said that the weak people went - to see, the blood is afraid, it is like shattering.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149654
From one forum:
" Funny to see reasoning about food from a person with a nick Diarrhea..."

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149653
For more than a hundred years, our company has been active in the market of telecommunications technologies development of 3D gaming applications.

[ + 29 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149652
In Russia, my new film Death of Stalin was banned. One person sent me a photo on Twitter where he was watching a movie from a laptop right on Red Square. I admired his courage. But since he downloaded the film illegally, I immediately it to the relevant authorities.
The pins )))

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №149651
> I understand like no one else. I am 45 cm, and with an erection at all 90. I repaired my glasses.

You are the lucky one. I have an erection - so on the forehead comes and I lose consciousness. I am a virgin.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №149650
XHH: What is true is true. I have 30 cm and no erection. When I wear shorts, the member is down. And then one day I saw the most beautiful grandmother, my penis stands up and I almost wept at this moment, it was so painful, such a feeling that I almost broke.

I understand like no one else. I am 45 cm, and with an erection at all 90. I used to fix their glasses when I was sitting in one house at the bus, so once in the eye accidentally ticked, it was painful - not to pass.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №149649
<photo of a pad filled with something green and moist, from where the clock and minute arrows appear>

Design studio noktuku from Rotterdam on the creation of one copy of these wall watches spends almost 2 kg of invaluable Icelandic moss, the beauty of which is indisputable, but the care for it is a real hell. It looks like a broccoli plate."

The hell is when yours buy this ikebana for 35 euros, and you forget it, you will throw the ashes of a cigarette there.
<HolyWarrior> - Wall clock You’ll have to put that cigarette in order to catch up. There is a more interesting way to cause a scandal: remove from the wall, cook and eat.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149648
So I want to bite and bite everyone around me.

Mikhail Olegovich, my dear. Here is a tour in Samara. Have fun!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №149647
“Did not the Gypsies try to squeeze your pockets or cut your bag, while the adults distracted their pen with their ‘puzzles’?” You are lucky. Just don’t think you have the norm."

The ethics of this subculture (as, however, many other closed social groups) is such that “alien” are perceived not as people but as “meat”, “mining”. This is the norm. Scene: maternity, a very young (14 years old) Gypsy is on the rescue, pregnant for the second time, the first was a miscarriage. She lifts up her belt from the window and cries to her 16-year-old husband: “You’re only there for me, look, don’t cheat!” What gets the amazing "return": "With the Gypsies - I will never! With the Russians you can?" And she answers: "Okay, with the Russians you can!"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №149646
You are a loser at all.
1ney: Even the wife left
1 and you stay.
I don’t know how this characterizes me as a loser.
1ney: and you have to pay the mortgage)

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149645
Berry juice is delicious. And absolutely useless. It is almost indistinguishable from 2% solution of citric acid.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №149644
In Singapore, the Swiss citizen Oliver Fricker, accused of acts of vandalism, was brought before the court. A sharp Swiss man penetrated into the protected depot of the Singapore subway and painted two wagons graffiti. Fricker could go to jail for five years, but it’s half the trouble. The problem is that the criminal is intended to evaporate the stem of the rotan palm.
This form of understanding is widely used, and the Singaporean Femida differentially approaches the persons who have violated the law: the most brutal corruption is subjected to drug dealers and rapists (and the procedure is stretched in time, the wounds are healed, and then a second and even a third turn is conducted), thieves and robbers get less, and the small criminal shushers are punished rather symbolically, but still painfully and offensively. European human rights activists intend to step up for the defendant, as they consider pork one of the forms of torture. Singapore lawyers intend to defend the tradition-sacred right to dispose of the buttocks
the offender at its discretion.

- 5 years of Singapore prison vs 6 beats! "Square and Square" Strange value categories of the author of the article

He is on the side of European human rights defenders, who can that the “inhuman” corruption will be replaced by another five years.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №149643
In the mid-1970s, my mother’s family lived in a village near the railway station. During the invasion, the station was located 10 kilometers from the front line of the Kursk Arc and was an important transport facility. By the next anniversary of the victory, the school announced the opening of the VOV museum and asked students to bring exhibits (helmets, empty ammunition).
My mother's house was just next to the railway, and the garden came out on the tranches left after the war. There, mother and sister and found exhibits for the museum - combat grenades. They brought home an entire box.
In the morning, they loaded full portfolios of grenades and carried them to school, to the museum. Not everything, only half the box. On the way to school, the sisters had to overcome the railways, and because the wallets were heavy to carry, they dragged them, tapping on the rails and stairs of the railway bridge. When the girls in the school museum unloaded a half-box of grenades from portfolios with the phrase: "We still have, we will then bring," the teacher assessed the situation.
The school was evacuated and a military commander was called. Military and a cargo car with sand arrived, grenades were taken away. He was taken from work and found out where the grenades were found. In that place, two other boxes of workers' combat grenades were found, which were taken by the military and exploded in the field. The soldier spoke very seriously with his grandfather, and his mother and sister were informed of the insecurity of their behavior with the help of the sickness. The collection of exhibits for the museum was stopped.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149642
1: Invite the Gypsy to guess - break the pattern
2 cannot be. This is a complementary, symmetrical response. fighting with their weapons on their territory. In the best case, she will turn away, in the worst case - you will get a duel of views, or even easier - her relative will break your nose. Respond in an asymmetrical way. offer her to buy "A set of instantaneously rejuvenating creams from hives with rosomaha milk" or "Here are these incredibly powerful water filters"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149641
During the sermon, the imam said that "women who think during sexual intercourse not about their husbands, but about beautiful actors from Turkish TV shows, are born gay children."

We propose to change it to IPAP.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna