— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №97804
Watching a frick show and being outraged by Frick’s victory is like volunteering to watch House 2 and complaining about the debility of what is happening.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №97803
Well yes, I’m also thinking about what to do with almost a month of lovingly growing beard.
YYY: I don’t understand why the men are so upset?
XXX: How do you not understand?? to
XXX: The Boat
This is the only thing in this fucking world that was OUR.
XXX: And he was struck :)
YYY: I honestly don’t understand :)
We accepted that women can vote. Even working in male positions. Even though they are people too. Okay, let our smaller friends be delighted, maybe more delicious borst will cook. Then we reconciled with the borsche from supermarkets and semi-fabricates. Later, we accepted that they could wear jeans, sweat coats, and even fuck themselves and each other. Some of us, men, even like it. Maybe they’re lazy and can’t fuck anyone. Then we agreed that they took everything from us. Absolutely everything. Even the right to drive a car and work in a TAXI. Fuck him. We had the most sacred thing a man had, his scarf, which could have turned into a beard. This distinguished the most vanityful man from the most successful and strong woman. We stole our last jewelry. The last bastion has fallen, the world of men is rolling into tartaras. And most importantly, one of us betrayed us, even if unconventional.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №97802
I go on the street. The man who goes in front of him pulls a system block in his hands. But on the face, it can be seen that the processor is dragging.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №97801
XX: Please advise modern books.
and Seneca. "Letters to Lucifer"
YYY: very modern.
YYY: It is serious.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №97800
// From comments on the hubra:
X: Pedophilia is not information. This is a crime/perversion
Y: You understand, I understand, He understands. And for Valentina Mikhailovna of Samara, any breastfeeding on the screen of the monitor is a reason to close "your whole pub."
Z: And where to vote for the closure of Valentina Mikhailovna from Samara?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №97799
In Russia it should be so. A man lives and lives, and suddenly 18 years is a thousand! and gay!! They exist!! O_O

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №97798
From discussions about the first access to the network.
xxx: I am somewhere in 97, by the coincidence of the circumstances, my father at work got a messy dial-up access, like a number of his colleagues, though the poor didn't get anything, for all these years, because of the poor. I hardly got out of there, because if I get out, another smart man will take the account for a long time. But they had a chance when I got puddles from my mom. The phone was busy. I could never call from school. Fuck, it was a bad time. I remember as a Seas, the jump of the song, which weighed 4 MB, took 50 minutes.
4 MB in 50 minutes. It is optical! I had such a shit internet that it was faster to find Katya Lel and make Mushi-Pussy sing on a dictionary than to download a song.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №97797
Deputy Milonov wants to ban Conchite Wurst from entering Russia

Which of the two is worse is another question.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №97796
This is:
Lenny is the most dangerous disease. It is transmitted by living with the patient, communicating with him and even simply observing his lifestyle.
Symptoms: a sting in the apartment, a single pack of pellets in the refrigerator, 2 or more empty cups to the right of the monitor, a dried cactus to the left of the monitor, information distrophy of the file. not be treated.
– – – – –
The familiar symptoms. I was struck by this plague. However, he was healed by a year-long course of miraculous therapy.
The Air and Space Defense Force forever.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №97795
Do you really believe that the Eurovision contest is far from politics? Do you really think that the first places are given to the one who sings better?
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
The competition, of course, is not quite far from politics, each country "his own" squeezes a little bit, but the first places there are mainly occupied by the principle of "your, see what kind of fist was on the stage!".

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №97794
Check the news on torrents.
Divide - horror "The Third Dimension of Hell"
In the clamps - the alternative name - "The Devil's Chair".

There was nothing to eat with milk.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №97793
Did you pierce your ear?
I was bitten by a cat.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №97792
A small coffee shop in the car shop. Cigarettes, juices and water.
I sit and drink coffee.
Behind the sturdy, cute, thick blonde Learcher, slightly over thirty.
A small row, a person six, seven, all try to fool the banal jokes with the buffet. Andryusha, my good acquaintance, in the past a military (working for the third day), comes in, sees the turn, apologizing passes to the stand, says to the buffet: "Silver!", and stretches the table, and looking around it, passes a package of "Parliament" with the words: "Here is a man, briefly and clearly." Andryusha thought a little, looked around Lerochka carefully, and said, "At eight!", without thinking, "At nine!".
In short, Andrew arrived the next morning satisfied and late.

by losfromspace

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №97791
QQ: The manuscripts do not burn. The worst ones are not drowning.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №97790
Learn the match:

to this:

I develop a complex of inferiority to other animals. When the movie will be released, where the superhero will be a man-man?
– – – –
And Superman? No, I did not hear.
Superman is an alien.
But Batman and Iron Man are ordinary people. However, there can be a complex of inferiority because they are smart, charming and rich. Look at the Avengers, in general - there, except for a pair of gods, all people.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №97789
Experience tells me that if the toilet cover is closed in the office sorting, it is better not to lift it.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №97788
Natasha, you have a diploma, how did he help you?
yyy: The photos with the diploma helped me gather a lot of likes on Instagram.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №97787
YYY - So I read community advertising
High-tech combined with deep decline and poverty, global corporations holding the world in obedience, talented marginal rebels capable of resisting tough control and giving people freedom and independence - all this is cyberpunk! The announcement from the blue network represents a selection of films of this stylish science fiction genre!
XXX - oh guy, we are almost missing in the cyberpunk of rebels
YYY - Here I am about the same:
XXX - but now you can instead of "global fuck" say "cyberpunk" :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №97786
Deleted from one forum with preservation:

I ordered myself to breed cockroaches than to buy them, and yesterday I bought in the zoo a glass terrarium and 1000 individuals of marble cockroaches, half of which wanted to freeze, but it happened, I live on the 5th floor in the 9th floor building, the elevator did not work, climbing up, on the 2nd floor stumbled and fell, he severely cut his hand around the fragments of the broken terrarium, climbed on me a hundred cockroaches!!! You would see how many of them were there, they all ran away. I didn’t know what to do, I ran away and was scared.

1) Will they die?
Can my neighbors arrest me?
What’s going on in the summer? (nearly)
Can they get into the apartment?? to

I'm sorry for the mistakes, I write from body to body, I'm afraid to go there, there's all the entrance in the cockroaches(((

[ + 19 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №97785
The main thing, if a woman sings in a men's suit - all OK, just the image is like this. Again, neither Verka Serdjuk, nor even David Bowie or Iggy Pop in dresses excite anyone like this Conchita. What’s wrong with you guys?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna